Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Tsybulskaya T. Ye.
Назва : Interconnection between several eye biomechanical and biometric parameters in children with axial and refractive mild myopia
Паралельн. назви :Взаємозв’язок деяких біомеханічних і біометричних показників ока в дітей з осьовою та рефракційною міопією слабкого ступеня
Місце публікування : Запорож. мед. журн. - Запорожье, 2016. - N 4. - С. 55-58 (Шифр ЗУ1/2016/4)
MeSH-головна: МИОПИЯ -- MYOPIA
Анотація: Aim - to study the relationship of biometric and biomechanical indicators of corneoscleral capsule of the eye in children with axial and refractive mild myopia.Materials and methods. Axial myopia was diagnosed in 32 children (64 eyes), refractive myopia - 18 (36 eyes). The control group - 16 children without ophthalmic diseases (32 eyes). Eye examination: visometry, automated refractometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, determination of the axial length of the eyeball and corneal hysteresis.Results. Signi?cant differences were determined in the indicators of dioptric power of the cornea: 42.2 dpt in patients with axial and 44.7 dpt with refractive myopia (p‹0.05), and also difference between patients with refractive myopia and the control group, in which the diopter power of cornea was 42.6 (p‹0.05). There are also signi?cant differences in the indicators of the axial length of eyes between axial and refractive myopia - 24.5±0.64 mm and 23.1±0.43 mm (p‹0.05). Signi?cant difference with the control group in the axial length marked only in eyes with axial myopia 22.7±0.33 mm and 24.5±0.64 mm, respectively (p‹0.05). Corneal hysteresis determined signi?cantly reduced on eyes with both the axial and refractive myopia, which was signi?cantly lower than in the indicators of emmetropic eyes of the control group 13.7 (p‹0.05). Corneal hysteresis is inversely related to the axial length of the eyeball: in patients with axial myopia r -0.32, p‹0.05; with refractive myopia r -0.36, p‹0.05. Correlation between diopter power of cornea and axial length of the eyeball: r -0.53, р‹0.05 in eyes with axial myopia and r -0.42, p‹0.05 refractive myopia. Comparative analysis showed no signi?cant differences between the corneal hysteresis, the axial length of the eye and the spherical component of myopia.Conclusions. In patients with axial and refractive mild myopia corneal hysteresis is reduced on average in 1.2 and 1.1 times, in comparison with emmetropic eyes. Corneal hysteresis is independent of spherical component of myopia, decreases with increasing of axial length of the eye in 82 % of cases with axial myopia and in 76 % of cases with refractive myopia.