Шифр: БУ56/2015/8/6

Biotechnologia Acta : наук. журнал/ Ін-т біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна НАН України. - К., 2008 - . - ISSN 1995-5537. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2015г. т.8 N 6
Tsymbal, D. O. Overexpression of dominant-negative IRE1 enzyme in H1299-shE6AP cells increases heat shock element-dependent transcription / D. O. Tsymbal, O. H. Minchenko. - С.9-15
Investigation and optimization of reactivation of urease biosensor for heavy metals inhibition analysis. - С.16-22
Intensification of surfactants synthesis under Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 cultivation on mixture of glucose and glycerol. - С.23-31
Preparation of chitosan with high blood clotting activity and its hemostatic potential assessment. - С.32-40
Isolation and purification of lysozyme from the hen egg white. - С.41-47
Sokolik, V. V. Effect of curcumin liposomal form on angiotensin converting activity, cytokines and cognitive characteristics of the rats with alzheimer's disease model / V. V. Sokolik, S. M. Shulga. - С.48-55
Properties of chemolithotrophic bacteria new strains isolated from industrial substrates. - С.56-62
Energy metabolism of packed white cells after cryopreservation and rehabilitation in a medium containing a cord blood low-molecular fraction. - С.63-70
The lime purification of sugar-containing solution using high viscosity colloidal solutions. - С.71-76
Mayorova, O. Yu. Adaptation of Gentiana lutea L. plants obtained in vitro To ex vitro and in situ condition / O. Yu. Mayorova, L. R. Hrytsak, N. M. Drobyk. - С.77-86
The state of the water in brain tissue in presence of TS-100 silica nanoparticles. - С.87-98
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