Шифр: ЕУ12/2016/38/1

Experimental Oncology : an Internanational Scientific Journal/ National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radioboilogy; Ukrainian Section of European Institute of Ecology and Cancer. - К., 1979 - . - ISSN 1812-9269. - Выходит ежеквартально
2016г. т.38 N 1
Shlyakhovenko, V. O. Ribonucleases. Possible new approach in cancer therapy / V. O. Shlyakhovenko. - P.2-8
Ajdukovic, J. HIF-1 - a big chapter in the cancer tale / J. Ajdukovic. - P.9-12
Inhibition of malignant potential and expression of proteins associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition in Lewis lung carcinoma cells transduced with murine inf-beta gene in recombinant baculovirus. - P.13-21 : цв. ил.
CD40/CD40 ligand interactions and TNFalfa treatment reduce activity of P105 promoter of the human papilloma virus-18 in vitro. - P.22-25 : il.
Chekhun, V. F. Effect of 5-azacytidine on miRNA expression in human breast cancer cells with different sensitivity to cytostatics / V. F. Chekhun, T. V. Borikun, N. Y. Lukianova. - P.26-30 : табл.
Superoxide- and no-dependent mechanisms of antitumor and antimetastatic effect of L-arginine hydrochloride and coenzyme Q10. - P.31-35 : табл.
Klys, Y. G. Combined use of haemostatic system indices for evaluation of upper respiratory tract cancer progression / Y. G. Klys, N. V. Gryn, S. V. Verevka. - P.36-39 : табл.
Study of cytogenetic abnormalities in G-CSF stimulated peripheral blood cells and non-stimulated bone marrow cells of patients with myelofibrosis. - P.40-44 : табл.
Modelling of survival of patients with colon adenocarcinoma based on multivariable analysis of the state of cancer cell nuclear apparatus. - P.45-48 : табл.
Chrysanthakopoulos, N. A. Correlation between periodontal disease indices and lung cancer in Greek adults : A case - control study / N. A. Chrysanthakopoulos. - P.49-53 : табл.
A nutrient mixture inhibits glioblastoma xenograft U-87 MG growth in male nude mice. - P.54-56 : il.
miR-608 rs4919510 C>G polymorphism decreased the risk of breast cancer in an Iranian subpopulation. - P.57-59 : табл.
70th anniversary of the Lviv scientific school of oncology. - P.60-62
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