Шифр: БУ56/2017/10/4

Biotechnologia Acta : наук. журнал/ Ін-т біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна НАН України. - К., 2008 - . - ISSN 1995-5537. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2017г. т.10 N 4
Klyuchko, O. M. Application of artificial neural networks method in biotechnology / O. M. Klyuchko. - С.5-13
Chudina, T. Adjuvant properties of nanoparticles immobilized recombinant diphtheria toxoid fragment / T. Chudina [et al.]. - С.14-24
Другие авторы: Labyntsev A., Kolybo D., Komisarenko S.
Pirog, T. P. Intensification of microbial exopolysaccharide ethapolan biosynthesis on mixture of molasses and sunflower oil / T. P. Pirog, A. A. Voronenko, M. O. Ivakhniuk. - С.25-33
Halkin, O. V. IRE1 knockdown modifies the effect of glutamine deprivation effects on the expression of a subset of proteases in U87 glioma cells / O. V. Halkin [et al.]. - С.34-43
Другие авторы: Riabovol О. O., Minchenko D. O., Kuznetsova A. Y., Ratushna O. O., Minchenko O. H.
Blayda, I. A. Variance analysis for optimization of the germanium bioleaching process from coal beneficiation dumps / I. A. Blayda [et al.]. - С.44-52
Другие авторы: Vasylieva N. Yu., Vasylieva T. V., Sliusarenko L. I.
Mazurenko, V. R. Biomarkers of subclinical mastitis in the mammary gland of cows / V. R. Mazurenko, O. V. Manchulyak. - С.53-58
Vlasenko, E. N. Synthesis of aroma compounds by Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kumm. cultured on various substrates / E. N. Vlasenko, J. V. Stepnevskaya, O. V. Kuznetsova. - С.59-67
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