Шифр: БУ56/2018/11/3

Biotechnologia Acta : наук. журнал/ Ін-т біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна НАН України. - К., 2008 - . - ISSN 1995-5537. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2018г. т.11 N 3
Klyuchko, O. M. Information computer technologies for using in biotechnology: electronic medical information systems / O. M. Klyuchko. - С.5-26
Manoilov, K. Y. Biological properties and medical application of diphteria toxin derivatives / K. Y. Manoilov. - С.27-46
Ogbuagu, D. H. Application of biofilms in removal of heavy metals from waste water under static condition / D. H. Ogbuagu, I. N. Nwachukwu, O. J. Ejike. - С.47-55
Vlasenko, E. N. Biosynthesis of volatiles by Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) Kumm. mushrooms on substrates enriched with vegetable oils / E. N. Vlasenko, O. V. Kuznetsova. - С.56-68
Raks, V. Ganoderma species extracts: antioxidant activity and chromatography / V. Raks [et al.]. - С.69-77
Другие авторы: Öztürk M., Vasylchenko O., Raks M.
Kravchenko, O. V. Isolation of pure cultures iron and manganese-oxidizing bacteria from rapid filters / O. V. Kravchenko, O. S. Panchenko. - С.78-82
Makogonenko, S. Yu. "Regoplant" and "Stimpo" influence on the content of free amino acids, proline and on the lipid peroxidation reaction intensity in Helianthus annuus L. grown on technosol / S. Yu. Makogonenko, V. I. Baronov, S. P. Ponomarenko. - С.83-88
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