Шифр: BУ45/2018/32

Biomedical and biosocial anthropology : Наук. журн./ Голов. ред. В.М. Мороз. - Вінниця, 2003 - . - Выходит ежеквартально
2018г. N 32
Sazonova, O. M. Craniometric characteristic of the visceral skull in adulthood / O. M. Sazonova [et al.]. - С.5-12
Другие авторы: Vovk O. Yu., Vovk Yu. M., Hordiichuk D. O., Dubina S. O.
Datsenko, G. V. Features of correlations of cerebral circulation indicators with anthropo-somatotypological parameters of the body in practically healthy young men of mesomorphic somatotype / G. V. Datsenko [et al.]. - С.13-20
Другие авторы: Shayuk A. V., Dzevulska I. V., Kyselyova T. M., Kyrychenko V. I.
Ustymenko, O. S. Manifestations of asymmetry and correlations of sonographic parameters of the kidneys with constitutional parameters of the body in practically healthy men and women of different somatotypes / O. S. Ustymenko. - С.21-27
Dmitriev, M. O. Determination of individual teleroentgenographic characteristics of the face profile in ukrainian young men and girls with orthognathic bite / M. O. Dmitriev. - С.28-34
Serheta, I. V. Motor activity of students of modern education institutions: biomedical and physiological-hygienic aspects of its assessment and optimization / I. V. Serheta, I. L. Drezhenkova, N. V. Stoyan. - С.35-42
Sarafinyuk, L. A. Somatotypological features of acrobat girls in different periods of ontogenesis / L. A. Sarafinyuk [et al.]. - С.43-47
Другие авторы: Khapitska O. P., Yakusheva Yu. I., Ivanytsia A. O., Sarafinyuk P. V.
Dmytrenko, S. V. Features of quantitative indicators of finger and palmar dermatoglyphics in males and females with ichthyosis / S. V. Dmytrenko [et al.]. - С.48-55
Другие авторы: Klimas L. A., Kushnir V. A., Serebrennikova O. A., Serheta I. V.
Chernysh, A. V. Regression models of individual cephalometric indicators used in the method of R. M. Ricketts / A. V. Chernysh. - С.56-62
Cherkasova, L. A. Differences of correlations of echometric dimensions of the uterus in different phases of the menstrual cycle with constitutional parameters of the body in practically healthy young women of ecto- and mesomorphic somatotypes / L. A. Cherkasova. - С.63-72
Hmel, L. L. Age and gender features of thigh rheogram indicators in practically healthy adolescents / L. L. Hmel [et al.]. - С.73-79
Другие авторы: Serebrennikova O. A., Kyrychenko Yu. V., Gnenna V. O.
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