Заглавие журнала :STROKE -2009г. т.40,N 4
Интересные статьи :
Kurth T. Stroke in Women/ T. Kurth, M.-G. Bousser (стр.1027-1028)
Wardlaw J.M. Editorial : Surrogate outcomes/ J.M. Wardlaw (стр.1029-1031)
Gender differences in stroke incidence and poststroke disability in the Framingham Heart Study (стр.1032-1037)
Sex differences in incidence, mortality, and survival in individuals with stroke in Scotland, 1986 to 2005 (стр.1038-1043)
Age at natural menopause and risk of ischemic stroke (стр.1044-1049)
Reproductive history, oral contraceptive use, and the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in a cohort study of middle-aged Swedish women (стр.1050-1058)
Progestogen-only contraceptives and the risk of stroke (стр.1059-1062)
Cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis in young women (стр.1063-1069)
Social class, risk factors, and stroke incidence in ven and momen (стр.1070-1077)
Gender differences in the Colorado stroke registry (стр.1078-1081)
Appelros P. Sex differences in stroke epidemiology / P. Appelros, B. Stegmayr, A. Terent (стр.1082-1090)
Gender influences cerebral vascular responses to angiotensin II through Nox2-derived reactive oxygen species (стр.1091-1097)
General and abdominal adiposity and risk of stroke in Chinese women (стр.1098-1104)
Prevalence of asymptomatic artery stenosis according to age and sex (стр.1105-1113)
Gargano J.W. Do presenting symptoms explain sex differences in emergency department delays among patients with acute stroke ?/ J.W. Gargano, S. Wehner, M.J. Reeves (стр.1114-1120)
Gender differences in presenting and prodromal stroke symptoms (стр.1121-1126)
Quality of care in women with ischemic stroke in the GWTG program (стр.1127-1133)
Sex-related differences in quality of care and short-term mortality among patients with acute stroke in Denmark (стр.1134-1139)
Does sex matter? Thirty-day stroke and death rates after carotid artery stenting in women versus men (стр.1140-1147)
The risk of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrage during pregnancy, delivery, and the puerperium in the Utrecht population (стр.1148-1151)
Parity and carotid atherosclerosis in men and women (стр.1152-1157)
Helms A.K. First trimester stroke prophylaxis in pregnant women with a history of stroke/ A.K. Helms, O. Drogan, S.J. Kittner (стр.1158-1161)
Preeclampsia-eclampsia and the risk of stroke among peripartum in Taiwan (стр.1162-1168)
Euser A.G. Magnesium sulfate for treatment of eclampsia/ A.G. Euser, M.J. Cipolla (стр.1169-1175)
Pre-Eclampsia is associated with increased risk of stroke in the adult offspring (стр.1176-1180)
Dearborn J.L. Perception of risk and knowledge of risk factors in women at high risk for stroke/ J.L. Dearborn, L.D. McCullough (стр.1181-1186)
Proposed criteria for metabolic syndrome in Japanese based on prospective evidence (стр.1187-1194)
Analysis of 1008 consecutive patients aged 15 to 49 with first-ever ischemic stroke (стр.1195-1203)
Ethnic distribution of ECG predictors of atrial fibrillation and its impact on understanding the ethbic distribution of ischemic stroke in the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study (стр.1204-1211)
Incidence, types, risk factors, and outcome of stroke in a developing country (стр.1212-1218)
Excessive daytime sleepiness is an independent risk indicator for cardiovaecular mortality in community-dwelling elderly (стр.1219-1224)
Birth parameters are associated with late-life white matter integrity in community-dwelling older people (стр.1225-1228)
Vascular structure and function is correlated to cognitive performance and white matter hyperintensities in older hypertensive patients with subjective memory complaints (стр.1229-1236)
Clinical evidence that very small embryonic-like stem cells are mobilized into peripheral blood in patients after stroke (стр.1237-1244)
Lack of association between variations of PDE4D and ischemic stroke in the Japanese population (стр.1245-1251)
Genomics of human intracranial aneurysm wall (стр.1252-1261)
Monocytes are major players in the prognosis and risk of infection after acute stroke (стр.1262-1268)
Progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia (стр.1269-1274)
Hemoglobin concentration and cerebral metabolism in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (стр.1275-1281)
Ceruloplasmin/transferrin system is related to clinical status in acute stroke (стр.1282-1288)
Prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism and insulin resistance among subtypes of ischemic stroke in Japanese patients (стр.1289-1295)
Chronic kidney disease and clinical outcome in patients with acute stroke (стр.1296-1303)
New-onset constipation at acute stage after first stroke (стр.1304-1309)
Subacute stent thrombosis in intracranial stenting (стр.1310-1314)
Motor imagery after subcortical stroke (стр.1315-1324)
Density and shape as CT predictors of intracerebral hemorrhage growth (стр.1325-1331)
Clinical and imaging data at 5 days as a surrogate for 90-day outcome in ischemic stroke (стр.1332-1333)
Atherosclerotic plaque surface morphology in the carotid bifurcation assessed with multidetector computer tomography angiography (стр.1334-1340)
Incidental intracranial aneurysms in patients with internal caritid artery stenosis (стр.1341-1346)
Using historical lesion volume data in the design of a new phase II clinical trial in acute stroke (стр.1347-1352)
Expediting MRI-based proof-of-concept stroke trials using an earlier imaging end point (стр.1353-1358)
Effectiveness and safety of transcranial laser therapy for acute ischemic stroke (стр.1359-1364)
Homocysteine-lowering therapy and stroke risk, severity, and disability (стр.1365-1372)
Randomized controlled trials comparing endarterectomy and endovascular treatment for carotid artery stenosis (стр.1373-1380)
Postacute reevaluation may prevent dysphagia-associated morbidity (стр.1381-1385)
Responsiveness and validity of three outcome measures of motor function after stroke rehabilitation (стр.1386-1391)
Effectiveness of prism adaptation in neglect rehabilitation (стр.1392-1398)
Psychosocial functioning of spouses of patients with stroke from initial inpatient rehabilitation to 3 years poststroke (стр.1399-1404)
Results of the stroke prevention by aggressive reduction in cholesterol levels ( SPARCL) trial by stroke subtypes (стр.1405-1409)
Effect of age on stroke prevention therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation (стр.1410-1416)
Applying the evidence (стр.1417-1424)
Additional stroke-related and non-stroke-related cardiovascular costs and hospitalizations in managed-care patients after ischemic stroke (стр.1425-1432)
Quality of in-hospital stroke care according to evidence-based performance measures (стр.1433-1438)
Shinohara Y. Postpublication external review of the Japanese guidelines for the management of stroke 2004 / Y. Shinohara, M. Nagayama, H. Origasa (стр.1439-1443)
Ultrafast high-resolution in vivo volume-CTA of mice cerebral vessels (стр.1444-1450)
SKca and IKca channels, myogenic tone, and vasodilator responses in middle cerebral arteries and parenchymal arterioles (стр.1451-1457)
Mechanisms of C-reactive protein-induced blood-brain barrier disruption (стр.1458-1466)
VEGF stimulates the ERK 1/2 signaling pathway and apoptosis in cerebral endothelial cells after ischemic conditions (стр.1467-1473)
Apoptotic functions of PDCD10/CCM3, the gene mutated in cerebral cavernous malformation 3 (стр.1474-1481)
Angiotensin AT2 receptor stimulation causes neuroprotection in a conscious rat model of stroke (стр.1482-1489)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to recovery of skilled reaching after focal ischemia in rats (стр.1490-1495)
Association between age-related hearing loss and stroke in an older population (стр.1496-1498)
Altered fibrin clot structure/Function in patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke (стр.1499-1501)
May-Thurner syndrome in patients with cryptogenic stroke and patent foramen ovale (стр.1502-1504)
Retrograde embolism from the descending aopta (стр.1505)
Brain lesions in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (стр.1509-1511)
Resident-based acute stroke protocol is expeditious and safe (стр.1512-1514)
Impact of prehypertension on common carotid artery intima-media thickness and left ventricular mass (стр.1515-1518)
Pulse pressure in youth and carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood (стр.1519-1521)
Thrombolysis in stroke mimics (стр.1522-1525)
Long-term health-related quality of life after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (стр.1526-1529)
Thrombin inhibition by argatroban ameliorates early brain injury and improves neurological outcomes after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats (стр.1530-1532)
Hanley D.F. Intraventricular hemorrhage/ D.F. Hanley (стр.1533-1538)
Torbey M.T. Intracerebral hemorrhage/ M.T. Torbey (стр.1539-1540)
Grotta J. Is it ethical to have a placebo arm in reperfusion trials in the 3- to 6-hour time window ?/ J. Grotta, A. Barreto (стр.1541-1542)
Kohrmann M. Is it ethical to have a placebo arm in reperfusion trial in the 3- to 6-hour time window? No/ M. Kohrmann, S. Schwab (стр.1543-1544)
Donnan G.A. The ethics of thrombolytic trials beyjnd 3(or 4.5) hours/ G.A. Donnan, S.M. Davis (стр.1545)
Интересные статьи :

Доп.точки доступа:
Kurth, T.; Wardlaw, J. M.; Appelros, P.; Gargano, J. W.; Helms, A. K.; Euser, A. G.; Dearborn, J. L.; Shinohara, Y.; Hanley, D. F.; Torbey, M. T.; Grotta, J.; Kohrmann, M.; Donnan, G. A.; Bousser, M. -G.; Stegmayr, B.; Wehner, S.; Drogan, O.; Cipolla, M. J.; McCullough, L. D.; Nagayama, M.; Barreto, A.; Schwab, S.; Davis, S. M.; Terent, A.; Reeves, M. J.; Kittner, S. J.; Origasa, H.