Шифр: ПУ16/2019/23/3/4

Проблеми екології та медицини : наук.- практ. журн./ Голов. ред. М.С. Скрипніков. - Полтава, 1997 - . - Выходит раз в два месяца
2019г. т.23 N 3/4
Manusha, Yu. I. Peculiarities of systemiс inflammation of low intensity in patients with stable coronary heart disease concurrent with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease / Yu. I. Manusha [et al.]. - С.3-7
Другие авторы: Kazakov Yu. M., Trybrat Т. А., Ischeykin K. E.
Avetikov, D. S. Minimally invasive methodology for surgical treatment of odontogenic sinusitis / D. S. Avetikov [et al.]. - С.7-9
Другие авторы: Yatsenko I. V., Нavryliev V. N., Aipert V. V.
Kaskova, L. F. Correlation relations of carises and socio-hygienic factors / L. F. Kaskova [et al.]. - С.9-13
Другие авторы: Mandziuk T. B., Ulasevych L. P., Korovina L. D.
Makarova, О. М. Diagnostic crtiteria of orthodontic treatment with extraction of some teeth / О. М. Makarova. - С.13-17
Petrushanko, T. O. Diagnostic value of laboratory tests of women in the dynamics of treatment of periodontal diseases concomitant with bacterial vaginosis / T. O. Petrushanko, A. D. Krutikova, E. I. Krutikova. - С.17-22
Bagmut, I. Yu. Condition of hormonal status of the body in white rats under the exposure to sodium fluoride / I. Yu. Bagmut [et al.]. - С.22-26
Другие авторы: Kolisnyk I. L., Titkova A. V., Svyrydenko L. Yu.
Kryuchko, T. O. Modern approaches to antivirulent therapy of diseases associated with staphylococcus aureus / T. O. Kryuchko [et al.]. - С.26-32
Другие авторы: Tkachenko O. Ya., Kuzmenko N. V., Nesina I. N., Tanianska S. M.
Kuroiedova, V. D. European position on clinical practice of extraction and nonextraction therapy in orthodontics / V. D. Kuroiedova, A. V. Petrova, Y. V. Rud. - С.32-37
Shkodina, A. D. Modern conception as to the functional morphology of the olfactory system and its changes under the influence of some exogenous pollutants / A. D. Shkodina, R. M. Hrinko, I. I. Starchenko. - С.37-41
Voronkova, H. V. Etiopathogenesis and diagnostics of the mandibular permanent first molars retention / H. V. Voronkova, L. V. Smagliuk, A. Y. Karasiunok. - С.41-45
Morokhovets, H. Mastering the tools of citation databases in higher medical education / H. Morokhovets [et al.]. - С.46-53
Другие авторы: Lysanets Yu., Ostrovska L., Purdenko T.
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