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Шифр: ВУ8/2021/27/4

Вісник морфології : міжнародний журнал анатомії, гістології, ембріології, антропології та клітинної біології. - Вінниця, 1993 - . - Выходит дважды в год
2021г. т.27 N 4
Andrievskyi, I. I. Prognostic assessment of constitutional indicators influence on the indicators of personality traits of practically healthy women with different somatotypes / I. I. Andrievskyi [et al.]. - С.5-12
Другие авторы: Serebrennikova O. A., Bondar S. A., Shayuk A. V., Gunas I. V.
Balytskyy, V. V. Morphological evaluation of anal canal wound healing after combined operation for combined anorectal pathology / V. V. Balytskyy. - С.13-21
Khasawneh, Ahmad Raed. Girth body dimensions in men and women with seborrheic dermatitis of varying severity / Ahmad Raed Khasawneh [et al.]. - С.22-27
Другие авторы: Serheta I. V., Belik N. V., Dovhan A. O., Zhuchenko I. I.
Maryenko, N. I. Fractal analysis as a method of morphometric study of linear anatomical objects: modified Caliper method / N. I. Maryenko, O. Yu. Stepanenko. - С.28-34
Obadeh, Bassam Abdel-Rahman Al-Qaraleh. Total longitudinal and transverse body sizes in men with psoriasis of different somatotypes / Bassam Abdel-Rahman Al-Qaraleh Obadeh [et al.]. - С.35-40
Другие авторы: Maievskyi O. Ye., Glushak A. A., Oikhova I. V., Chaika H. V.
Pidvalna, U. Ye. Normal values of coronary arteries branching height in women / U. Ye. Pidvalna [et al.]. - С.41-46
Другие авторы: Beshiey D. M., Mirchuk M. Z., Mateshuk-Vatseba L. R.
Drachevska, I. Yu. Determination of normative cephalometric parameters according to the Downs method for Ukrainian young men and young women with different face types / I. Yu. Drachevska [et al.]. - С.47-52
Другие авторы: Dmitriev M. O., Likhitskyi O. M., Perlova A. V., Gunas I. V.
Tiron, O. I. Morphological changes in the white rats' thyroid gland 14 days after simulated thermal trauma of the skin on the background of the administration of 0.9% NaCl solution / O. I. Tiron. - С.53-58
Nabil, Basim Yousif Hadodad. Features of skinfold thickness in men with benign nevi / Basim Yousif Hadodad Nabil. - С.59-64
Stetsuk, Ye. V. Influence of quercetin on morphological changes in rats testes after 180 days during central deprivation of luteinizing hormone / Ye. V. Stetsuk, V. I. Shapitko. - С.65-70
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