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Шифр: МУ96/2016/2/1

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. - Тернопіль, 2015 - . - Выходит дважды в год
2016г. т.2 N 1
Smiyan, S. I. Effectiveness of canephron N in the complex management of subclinical gouty nephropathy / S. I. Smiyan, M. V. Franchuk, R. R. Komorovsky. - С.5-8
Heryak, S. N. Complex approach to treatment of subchorionic hematoma in early threatened abortion / S. N. Heryak [et al.]. - С.9-12
Другие авторы: Petrenko N. V., Kuziv I. Ya., Stelmakh O. Y., Bagniy N. I., Korda I. V., Dobryanska V. Yu., Bagniy L. V.
Falfushynska, H. I. Detection of oxidative stress, apoptosis and molecular lesions in human ovarian cancer cells / H. I. Falfushynska. - С.13-18
Marchyshyn, S. M. Qualitative composition and organic acids content in the aboveground part of plants from families Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Apiaceae and Chenopodiaceae / S. M. Marchyshyn [et al.]. - С.19-22
Другие авторы: Shanayda M. I., Kernychna I. Z., Demydiak O. L., Dahym I. S., Berdey T. S., Potishnyj I. M.
Baranski, K. Supply of antihypertensive drugs and cardiovascular mortality in Poland in 2000-2010 / K. Baranski, J. E. Zejda. - С.23-27
Vasylieva, N. A. Epidemiological and epizootic aspect of leptospirosis evolution in Ternopil region / N. A. Vasylieva, Yu. A. Kravchuk. - С.28-31
Burmas, N. I. Enzyme markers activity and bile formation function of liver in cases of tuberculostatics and hexavalent chromium compounds affection in rats / N. I. Burmas, L. S. Fira, P. H. Lyhackyy. - С.32-38
Krynytska, I. Ya. Levels of nitric oxide metabolites in rats with hepatopulmonary syndrome / I. Ya. Krynytska. - С.39-43
Marushchak, M. I. Molecular apoptosis mechanisms with underlying experimental acute lung injury / M. I. Marushchak [et al.]. - С.44-48
Другие авторы: Klishch I. М., Bondarenko Yu. I., Mazur L. P.
Saturska, H. S. Influence of trimetazidine metabolic therapy on connective tissue metabolism in experimental diffuse ischemic necrotic cardiosclerosis in rats with different rates of hypoxia resistance / H. S. Saturska, Yu. I. Bondarenko, U. V. Saturska. - С.49-53
Марущак, M. I. Патогенетичні механізми легеневих уражень / M. I. Марущак [та ін.]. - С.54-58
Другие авторы: Криницька І. Я., Габор Г. Г., Яремчук О. З.
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