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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

Cresols health and safety guide. A comp. vol.to 168/World Health Organization. - 1996

Hygroquinone health and safety guide. A comp. vol. to 157 /World Health Organization. - 1996

Arsenic and arsenic compounds/World Health Organization. - 2001

The world health report 2001/World Health Organization. - 2001

Nestle implementation of the WHO code (International code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes) official response of governments./World Health Organization. - 1999

Progress(1999-2000)/World Health Organization. - 2001

Community-based rehabilitation and the health care referral services/World Health Organization. - 1994

Workshop on drinking water related environmental health aspects in the catchment area of the river Dunube Bratislava, the Slovak Republic 16-19 december 1993. Vol.1 Final draft:Institutional development project environmental programme for the Danube river Basin/WHO; Regional office for Europe; European centre for environment and health. - 1993

Workshop on drinking water related environmental health aspects in the catchment area of the river Danube Bratislava, the Slovak Republic 16-19 december 1993. Vol.2 Country reports, final draft:Institutional development project environmental programme for the Danube river basin/WHO; Regional office for Europe; European centre for environmental and health. - 1993

WHO expert committee on biological standardization/World Health Organization. - 2002
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