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Шифр: МУ3/2001/10/3

Медицина світу : наук.- практ. журн. оглядових та переклад. статей для широкого кола лікарів/ Шеф-редактор В. Бобров. - Львів, 1996 - . - Виходить щомісячно
2001р. т.10 N 3
Peter, G. Szilagyi Ведення хронічної дитячої астми лікарями загальної практики / G. Szilagyi Peter, J. Kemper Kathi. - С.111-115.
Murphy, S. Тромбоцитопенія / S. Murphy, A. Nepo, R. Sills. - С.116-123.
Brandenburg, M. Пошкодження кисті / M. Brandenburg, L. Hawkins, G. Quick. - С.124-133.
Rerkpattanapitat, P. Сексуальна активність і серце: роль кардіолога / P. Rerkpattanapitat, M.S. Stanek, M. Kotler. - С.134-141.
Кашель як захисний механізм і кашель як симптом. - С.142-154.
Dequeker, J. Мелоксикам: нові препарати і їх застосування в ревматології / P. Fillipek; S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond ; P. Fillipek; S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond. - С.155-158.
Fillipek, P. Аутистичні розлади: рекомендації щодо ранньої діагностики / S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond ; S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond. - С.159-162.
Diamond, S. Що їсти і чого не їсти хворим на мігрень? / S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond. - С.164-166.
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    Diamond, S.
    Що їсти і чого не їсти хворим на мігрень? [Текст] / S. Diamond, M.L. Diamond // Медицина світу : Наук.- практ. журн. оглядових та переклад. статей для широкого кола лікарів. - 2001. - Том10, N3. - С. 164-166.

Дод.точки доступу:
Diamond, M.L.

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: AR9/2012/32/12

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, THROMBOSIS, and VASCULAR BIOLOGY. - Iowa City : Univercity of Iowa. - ISSN 1079-5642
2012р. Vol. 32 N 12
High-density lipoprotein function, dysfunction, and reverse cholesterol transport. - P.2813-2820 : il
A systematic approach to multifactorial cardiovascular disease. Casual analysis. - P.2821-2835 : il
Myeloid Kruppel-like factor 4 deficiency augments atherogenesis in ApoE-/-mice - brief report. - P.2836-2838 : il
Myeloid deletion of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 increases atherosclerosis and liver injury. - P.2839-2846 : il
Induction of anti-anti-idiotype antibodies against sulfated glucosaminoglycans reduces atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. - P.2847-2854 : il
Loss of Id3 increases VCAM-1 Expression, macrophage accumulation, and atherogenesis in Ldlr-/- mice. - P.2855-2861 : il
Interference of the CD30-CD30L pathway reduces athersclerosis development. - P.2862-2868 : il
Myeloid-specific IkB kinase B deficiency decreases atherosclerosis in low-dencity lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice. - P.2869-2876
Haynes, L. M. Rivaroxaban delivery and reversal at a venous flow rate / L.M. Haynes, T. Orfeo, K.G. Mann. - P.2877-2883 : il
Hydrogen sulfide-releasing aspirin derivative ACS14 exerts strong antithrombotic effects in vitro and in vivo. - P.2884-2891 : il
Alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase-2 metabolizes endogenous methylarginines, regulates NO, and controls blood pressure. - P.2892-2900 : il
Novel mechanism of aortic aneurysm development in mice associated with smoking and leukocytes. - P.2901-2909 : il
Cholesterol accumulation regulates expression of macrophage proteins implicated in proteolysis and complement activation. - P.2910-2918 : il
Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor б inhibits human macrophage foam cell formation and the inflamatory response induced by very low-density lipoprotein. - P.2919-2928 : il
Fatty acids regulate endothelial lipase and inflammatory markers in macrophages and in mouse aorta. A role for PPARy. - P.2929-2937 : il
Muthard, R. W. Blood clots are rapidly assembled hemodynamic sensors: Flow arrest triggers intraluminal thrombus contraction / R.W. Muthard, S.L. Diamond. - P.2938-2945 : il
Mitohomdrial calcium and reactive oxygen species regulate agonist-initiated platelet phosphatidylserine exposure. - P.2946-2955 : il
Dominant role of the protein-tyrosine phosphatase CD148 in regulating platelet activation relative to protein-tyrosine phosphatase-1B. - P.2956-2965 : il
Thrombospondin-1 regulates blood flow via CD47 receptor-mediated activation of NADPH oxidase 1. - P.2966-2973 : il
p62 binding to protein kinase C regulates tumor necrosis factor a-induced apoptotic pathway in endothelial cells. - P.2974-2980 : il
Kruppel-like factor-11, a transcription factor involved in diabetes mellitus, suppresses endothelial cell activation via the nuclear factor-kB signaling pathway. - P.2981-2988 : il
Opposing actions of heat shock protein 90 and 70 regulate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase stability and reactive oxygen species production. - P.2989-2999 : il
Mitochondrial motility and vascular smooth muscle proliferation. - P.3000-3011 : il
Inhibition of notch1 signaling reduces abdominal aortic aneurysm in mice by attenuating macrophage-mediated inflammation. - P.3012-3023 : il
Inactivation of the E-prostanoid 3 receptor attenuates the angiotensin II pressor response via decreasing arterial contractility. - P.3024-3032 : il
Endothelial lipase activity predicts high-density lipoprotein catabolism in hemodialysis. Novel phospholipase assay in postheparin human plasma. - P.3033-3040 : il
Multimarker risk assessment including osteoprotegerin and CXCL16 in acute coronary syndromes. - P.3041-3049 : il
Retinol-binding protein 4 is an independent factor associated with triglycerides and a determinant of very low-density lipoprotein-apolipoprotein B100 catabolism in type 2 diabetes mellitus. - P.3051-3057 : il
Lipoprotein(a) and risk of coronary, cerebrovascular, and peripheral artery disease. The EPIC-Norfolk prospective population study. - P.3058-3065 : il
Lipid oxidation in carriers of lecithin : cholesterol acyltransferase gene mutations. - P.3066-3075 : il
No shorter telomeres in subjects with a family history of cardiovascular disease in the Asklepios study. - P.3076-3081 : il
Microvascular dysfunction is associated with a higher incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. A systematic review and meta-analysis. - P.3082-3094 : il
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: AR9/2013/33/1

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, THROMBOSIS, and VASCULAR BIOLOGY. - Iowa City : Univercity of Iowa. - ISSN 1079-5642
2013р. Vol. 33 N 1
ACAT inhibition reduces the progression of preexisting, advanced atherosclerotic mouse lesions without plaque or systemic toxicity. - P.4-12 : il
Upregulating reverse cholesterol transport with cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibition requires combination with the LDL-lowering drug Berberine in dyslipidemic hamsters. - P.13-23 : il
Maitra, U. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the reduced expression of cholesterol transporters from macrophages by low-dose endotoxin / U. Maitra, Li Liwu. - P.24-33 : il
Sildenafil potentiates bone morphogenetic protein signaling in pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells and in experimental pulmonary hypertension. - P.34-42 : il
Transglutaminase inhibitors attenuate vascular calcification in a preclinical model. - P.43-51 : il
Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 negatively regulates smooth muscle cell phenotypic modulation to limit intimal hyperplasia. - P.52-59 : il
Heterodimerization with the prostacyclin receptor triggers thromboxane receptor relocation to lipid rafts. - P.60-66 : il
Galectin-3 mediates aldosterone-induced vascular fibrosis. - P.67-75 : il
Transcriptome analysis for notch3 target genes identifies Grip2 as a novel regulator of myogenic response in the cerebrovasculature. - P.76-86 : il
Donor and recipient cell surface colony stimulating factor-1 promote neointimal formation in transplant-associated arteriosclerosis. - P.87-95 : il
Arterial and venous endothelia display differential functional fractalkine (CX,CL1) expression by angiotensin-II. - P.96-104 : il
Colase, T. V. Direct observation of von Willebrandt factor elongation and fiber formation on collagen during acute whole blood exposure to pathological flow. / T.V. Colase, S.L. Diamond. - P.105-113 : il
Heterogeneity of platelet functional alterations in patients with filamin A mutation. - P.111-113 : il
Cadherin-11 regulates cell-cell tension necessary for calcific nodule formation by valvular myofibroblasts. - P.114-120 : il
Mahler, G. J. Inflammatory cytokines promote mesenchymal transformation in embryonic and adult valve endothelial cells / G.J. Mahler, E.J. Farrar, J.T. Butcher. - P.121-130 : il
Skin autofluorescence as a measure of advanced glycation end products deposition is elevated in peripheral artery disease. - P.131-138 : il
Aminotransferase levels are associated with cardiometabolic risk above and beyond visceral fat and insulin resistance. The Framingham Heart s-Study. - P.139-146 : il
Circulating nucleosomes and neutrophil activation as risk factors for deep vein thrombosis. - P.147-151 : il
Heritability of venous biomechanics. - P.152-157 : il
Soluble CD14: Genomewide association analysis and relationship to cardiovascular risk and mortality in older adults. - P.158-164 : il
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Colase, T. V.
    Direct observation of von Willebrandt factor elongation and fiber formation on collagen during acute whole blood exposure to pathological flow. [Text] / T.V. Colase, S.L. Diamond // ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, THROMBOSIS, and VASCULAR BIOLOGY. - 2013. - Vol.33, N1. - P105-113 : il. - Ref. : p. 112-113 . - ISSN 1079-5642




Дод.точки доступу:
Diamond, S.L.

    Muthard, R. W.
    Blood clots are rapidly assembled hemodynamic sensors: Flow arrest triggers intraluminal thrombus contraction [Text] / R.W. Muthard, S.L. Diamond // ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, THROMBOSIS, and VASCULAR BIOLOGY. - 2012. - Vol.32, N12. - P2938-2945 : il. - Ref. : p. 2944-2945 . - ISSN 1079-5642

Дод.точки доступу:
Diamond, S.L.