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Шифр: N7/2001/345/8

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE. - Waltham : Massachusetts Medical Society, 1928 - . - ISSN 0028-4793. - Виходить двічі на місяць
2001р. Vol. 345 N 8
This week in the journal. - P.553-554
Lieberman, D. A. One-time screening for colorectal cancer with combined fecal occult-blood testing and examination of the distal colon. / V. Velebit, P.-A. Schneider; A.S. Slutsky ; V. Velebit, P.-A. Schneider; A.S. Slutsky. - P.555-560
Use of copper intrauterine devices and the risk of tubal infertility among nulligravid women. - P.561-567
Effect of prone positioning on the survival of patients with acute respiratory failure. - P.568-573
Prognostic importance of elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound in patients with heart failure. - P.574-581
Brief report : Human infection due to recombinant vaccinia-rabies glycoprotein virus. - P.582-586
Velebit, V. Carotid-body tumor. / A.S. Slutsky ; A.S. Slutsky. - P.587
Landry, D. W. Mechanisms of disease : The pathogenesis of vasodilatory shock. / J.K. Perloff ; J.K. Perloff. - P.588-595
Korn, J. H. Hypertensive encephalopathy with impaired renal function in a 67-year-old woman with polymyositis. / J.H. Korn, S. Mauiyyedi. - P.596-606
Detsky, A. S. Editorials : Screening for colon cancer - can we afford colonoscopy ? / A.S. Detsky. - P.607
Darney, P. D. Editorials : Time to pardon the IUD ? / P.D. Darney. - P.608-609
Slutsky, A. S. Editorials : The acute respiratory distress syndrome, mechanical ventilation, and the prone position. / A.S. Slutsky. - P.610-611
Perloff, J. K. Editorials : The jugular venous pulse and thrid heart sound in patients with heart failure. / J.K. Perloff. - P.612-614
Information for authors. - P.615
Correspondence : The diagnosis of brain death. - P.616-617
Correspondence : Cutaneous reactions to STI 571. - P.618
Correspondence ; Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. - P.619
Correspondence : Atrial fibrillation. - P.620
Correspondence : Treatment of brain metastases of malignant melanoma with temozolomide. - P.621
Correspondence : Acquired type I von Willebrand's disease associated with highly substituted hydroxyethy starch. - P.622-623
Book reviews. - P.624
Notices. - P.625-627
Correction: Gene-Expression profiles in hereditary breast cancer. - P.628
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Landry, D. W.
    Mechanisms of disease : The pathogenesis of vasodilatory shock. [Текст] / D.W. Landry, J.A. Oliver // THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE. - 2001. - Vol.345, N8. - С. 588-595. - Bibliogr.: 76 ref. - Пер. вид. : Патогенез сосудорасширяющего шока. . - ISSN 0028-4793
Рубрики: ШОК--SHOCK

Дод.точки доступу:
Oliver, J.A.