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Шифр: N7/2003/348/4

NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE. - Waltham : Massachusetts Medical Society, 1928 - . - ISSN 0028-4793. - Виходить двічі на місяць
2003р. Vol. 348 N 4
This week in the journal. - P.273-274
Greene, M. F. This week in the journal : Perspective: Magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia. / J.-L. Lin, D.-T. Lin-Tan, K.-H. Hsu; K. Michaelsson, H. Lithell, B. Vessby; M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae ; J.-L. Lin, D.-T. Lin-Tan, K.-H. Hsu; K. Michaelsson, H. Lithell, B. Vessby; M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae. - P.275-276
Lin, J. -L. Environmental lead exposure and progression of chronic renal diseases in patients without diabetes. / K. Michaelsson, H. Lithell, B. Vessby; M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae ; K. Michaelsson, H. Lithell, B. Vessby; M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae. - P.277-286
Michaelsson, K. Serum retinol levels and the risk of frscture. / M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae ; M.A. Belfort, J. Anthony, G.R. Saade; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae. - P.287-294
Effect of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction on clinical outcome in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. - P.295-303
Belfort, M. A. A comparison of magnesium sulfate and nimodipine for the prevention of eclampsia. / H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae ; H.K. Eltzschig, E.S. Lieberman, W.R. Camann; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae. - P.304-311
Brief report : Ectopic luteinizing hormone secretion and anovulation. - P.312-317
Meyer, M. Broncholithiasis. / G.D. Cufman, A. Graham, L. Lindenfelser; S. Snapper, F.S. Rosen ; G.D. Cufman, A. Graham, L. Lindenfelser; S. Snapper, F.S. Rosen. - P.318
Eltzschig, H. K. Regional anesthesia and analgesia for labor and delivery. / P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae ; P.A. Marsden; S.H. Chae. - P.319-332
Coblyn, J. S. Case 3-2003 : A 36-year-old man with renal failure, hypertension, and neurologic abnormalities. / P. Lips ; P. Lips. - P.333-343
Cufman, G. D. Editorials : innovations in correspondence. / S. Snapper, F.S. Rosen ; S. Snapper, F.S. Rosen. - P.344
Marsden, P. A. Editorials : Increased body lead burden - cause or consequence of chrinic renal insufficiency ? / S.H. Chae ; S.H. Chae. - P.345-346
Lips, P. Editorials : Hypervitaminosis A and fractures. / P. Lips. - P.347-349
Snapper, S. A family of WASPs. / S. Snapper, F.S. Rosen. - P.350-351
Chae, S. H. Is the match illegal ? / S.H. Chae. - P.352-356
Correspondence . - P.357-369
Book reviews. - P.370-373
Notices. - P.374
Correction. - P.359
Continuing medical education. - P.375-376
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    Lin, J. -L.
    Environmental lead exposure and progression of chronic renal diseases in patients without diabetes. [Текст] / J.-L. Lin, D.-T. Lin-Tan, K.-H. Hsu // THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL of MEDICINE. - 2003. - Vol.348, N4. - С. 277-286. - Bibliogr.: 32 ref. - Пер. вид. : Воздействие свинца окружающей среды и прогрессирование хронических почечных болезней у больных , не страдающих диабетом. . - ISSN 0028-4793

Дод.точки доступу:
Lin-Tan, D.-T.; Hsu, K.-H.