(Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: МУ3/2001/10/6

Медицина світу : наук.- практ. журн. оглядових та переклад. статей для широкого кола лікарів/ Шеф-редактор В. Бобров. - Львів, 1996 - . - Виходить щомісячно
2001р. т.10 N 6
Scheinman, S. J. Камені нирок: сучасні погляди на причини, діагностику і лікування.Скорочений виклад / S.J. Scheinman. - С.283-290.
Starr, C. Що необхідно знати про дозування медикаментів у педіатрії / C. Starr. - С.291-299.
Мікроби на обід: розпізнавання харчових інфекцій. Скорочений виклад. - С.300-303.
Schreiner, C. Інфекції голови та шиї, які загрожують життю. Частина 2. Ранні симптоми синугенних ускладнень та інфекцій глибоких просторів шиї / R.M. Hvizdos, B. Jarvis; C Сalvo, F. Gude, J. Abellan ; R.M. Hvizdos, B. Jarvis; C Сalvo, F. Gude, J. Abellan. - С.304-309.
Hvizdos, R. M. Будесонід: суспензія для інгаляцій. Огляд проблеми застосування в немовлят, дітей та дорослих з запальними захворюваннями органів дихання. Скорочений виклад / C Сalvo, F. Gude, J. Abellan; J. Schmidt, H. Kraul ; C Сalvo, F. Gude, J. Abellan; J. Schmidt, H. Kraul. - С.310-316.
Сalvo, C. Порівняльне дослідження амлодипіну і гідрохлоротіазиду, яких застосовували у вигляді монотерапії для лікування ізольованої систолічної гіпертензії в літніх людей. Скорочений виклад / C. Сalvo, F. Gude, J. Abellan. - С.315-321
Бустерна доза інактивованої вакцини гепатиту А, яку вводили > 24 місяців після первинної дози. - С.322-325.
Імуногенність у динаміці інактивованої вакцини проти вірусного гепатиту А у здорових дітей: результати через 5 років. Скорочений виклад. - С.325-328.
Schmidt, J. адроприл - найбільш універсальний інгібітор АПФ / J. Schmidt, H. Kraul. - С.329-334.
Мобільні телефони: спеціальне розслідування-2. - С.335-339.
Немає відомостей про примірники

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: j18/2001/166/6pt.1

JOURNAL of UROLOGY [Текст]. - New York. - Виходить щомісячно
2001р. Vol. 166 N 6
Laguna, M. P. The endoscopic approach to the distal ureter in nephroureterectomy for upper urinary tract tumor. / M.P. Laguna, J.M.C.H. Rosette. - P.2017-2022
Metabolic bone disease induced by prostate cancer: rationale for the use of bisphosphonates. - P.2023-2031
Plasma selenium level before diagnosis and the risk of prostate cancer development. - P.2034-2038
Transplanting horseshoe kidneys: a worldwide suevey. - P.2039-2042
Renal outcome 25 years after donor nephrectomy. - P.2043-2047
Impact of febrile infections on the long-term function of kidney allografts. - P.2048-2052
Matin, S. F. Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy: a comparative study of electrohydraulic and electromagnetic units. / S. Saito; D.H. Bagley; N.B. Itano ; S. Saito; D.H. Bagley; N.B. Itano. - P.2053-56
Parks, J. H. Patient adherence to long-term medical treatment of kidney stones. / J.M. Weiss; R.B. Nadler, J.N. Rubenstein ; J.M. Weiss; R.B. Nadler, J.N. Rubenstein. - P.2057-60
The prevalence of testicular microlithiasis in an asymptomatic population of men 18 to 35 years old. - P.2061-2064
Mechanical percussion, inversion and diuresis for residual lower pole fragments after shock wave lithotripsy: a prospective, single blind,randomized controlled trial. - P.2065-2071
Lower pole I : a prospective randomized trial of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and percutaneous nephrostolithotomy for lower pole nephrolithiasis-initial results. - P.2072-2080
The efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for isolated lower pole calculi compared with isolated middle and upper caliceal calculi. - P.2081-2085
Knowles, D. R. Long-term results of the treatment of complete distal ureteral stenosis using a cutting balloon catheter device. / W.F. Bower, K.H. Moore, R.D. Adams; R.B. Mathoera, D.J. Kok, W.J. Visser ; W.F. Bower, K.H. Moore, R.D. Adams; R.B. Mathoera, D.J. Kok, W.J. Visser. - P.2087-2090
Laparoscopic nephrectomy for inflammatory renal conditions. - P.2091-2094
Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: cancer control for renal cell carcinoma. - P.2095-2100
Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with Heilbronn technique: an analysis of the first 180 cases. - P.2101-2108
Complications of laparoscopic procedures after concentrated training in urological laparoscopy. - P.2109-2111
Extramammary Paget's disease of the penis and scrotum: excision,reconstruction and evaluatio of occult malignancy. - P.2112-2117
Driscoll, A. How do patients with interstitial cystitis present ? / R.J. Butler, P. Holland, J. Robinson; S.L. Schulmann, Zuben F.C. Von, N. Plachter ; R.J. Butler, P. Holland, J. Robinson; S.L. Schulmann, Zuben F.C. Von, N. Plachter. - P.2118-2120
Increased urinary leukotriene E4 and eosinophil protein X exxcretion in patients with interstitial cystitis. - P.2121-2125
The diagnostic value of bone scan in patients with renal cell carcinoma. - P.2126-2128
Plna, K. Familial bladder cancer in the national Swedish family cancer database. / A. Atala; M. Kangasniemi, A. Kaipia, R. Joensuu ; A. Atala; M. Kangasniemi, A. Kaipia, R. Joensuu. - P.2129-2133
T helper 1/2 lymphocyte urinary cytokine profiles in responding and nonresponding patients after 1 and 2 courses of bacillus Calmette-Guerin for superficial bladder cancer. - P.2142-2147
Saito, S. Transurethral en bloc resection of bladder tumors. / D.H. Bagley; N.B. Itano ; D.H. Bagley; N.B. Itano. - P.2148-2150
Estimated blood loss and transfusion requirements of radical cystectomy. - P.2151-2154
Stravtural alteration of p53 protein in patients with muscle invasive bladder transitional cell carcinoma. - P.2155-2160
Organ sparing surgery for malignant germ cell tumor of the testis. - P.2161-2165
Surveillance can be the standard of care for stage I nonseminomatous testicular tumors and even high risk patients. - P.2166-2170
Molecular genetic profiling of Gleason grade 4/5 prostate cancers compared to benign prostatic hyperplasia. - P.2171-2177
Validity of the prostate specific antigen test for prostate cancer screening: followup study with a bank of 21,000 sera in Finland. - P.2189-2192
Lack of association of prostate carcinoma nuclear grading with prostate specific antigen recurrence after radical prostatectoimy. - P.2193-2197
Accuracy of predicting long-term prostate specific antigen outcome based on early prostate specific antigen recurrence results after radical prostatectomy. - P.2198-2201
Can diet in conjunction with stress reduction affect the rate of increase in prostate specific antigen after biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer?. - P.2202-2207
Role of earlyadjuvant hormonal therapy after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. - P.2208-2215
Weiss, J. M. Pelvic floor myofascial trigger points manual therapy for interstitial cystitis and the urgency-frequency syndrome. / R.B. Nadler, J.N. Rubenstein ; R.B. Nadler, J.N. Rubenstein. - P.2226-2231
Intravesical oxybutynin: mode of action assessed by passive diffusion and electromotive administration with pharmacokinetics of oxybutynin and n-desethyl oxybutynin. - P.2232-2236
Inefficient urethral milking secondary to urethral dysfunction as an additional risk factor for incontinence after radical prostatectomy. - P.2247-2252
Conventional and ambulatory urodynamic findings in women with symptoms suggestive of bladder overactivity. - P.2253-2258
Nguyen, J. K. Resolution of motor urge incontinence after surgical repair of pelvic organ prolapse. / B.J. Wood, J. Grippo, C.P. Pavlovich ; B.J. Wood, J. Grippo, C.P. Pavlovich. - P.2263-2266
Quality of life assessment in patients who undergo sacral neuromodulation implantation for urge incontinence : an additional tool for evaluating outcome. . - P.2277-2280
Health related quolity of life differences between black and white men with prostate cancer: data from the cancer of the prostate strategic urologic research endeavor. - P.2281-2285
Health related quality of life assessment after radical prostatectomy in men wirh prostate specific antigen only recurrence. - P.2286-2290
Thomas, J. Stromal testis tumors in children: a report from the prepubertal testis tumor registry. / B.R. Morgan, T.H. Tarter ; B.R. Morgan, T.H. Tarter. - P.2338-2340
Reoperative snodgrass procedure. - P.2342-2345
Magnetic resonance urography in children: evaluation of suspected ureteral ectopia in duplex systems. - P.2346-2350
The use of yesicostomy as permanent urinary diversion in the child with myelomeningocele. - P.2351-53
Natural history of vesicoureteral reflux in girls after age 5 years,. - P.2359-2363
Spina bifida as an independent risk factor for sensitization to latex. - P.2370-2374
Kordan-Jones, C. Behavioral characteristics of children with daytime wetting. / P.C. Walsh ; P.C. Walsh. - P.2392-2395
Woodhouse. The fate of the abnormal bladder in adolescence. / A. Heidenreich ; A. Heidenreich. - P.2396-2400
Linkage study of a large danish 4-generation family with urge incontinence and nocturnal enuresis. - P.2401-2403
Voiding disorders in severely mentally and motor disabled children. - P.2404-2406
Melatonin production is similar in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis or other forms of enuresis/incontinence and in controls. - P.2407-2410
Bower, W. F. A novel clinical evaluation of childhood incontinence and urinary urgency. / R.B. Mathoera, D.J. Kok, W.J. Visser ; R.B. Mathoera, D.J. Kok, W.J. Visser. - P.2411-2415
Transcutaneous neuromodulation for the urge syndrome in children: a pilot study. - P.2416-2419
Bower, W. F. A pilot study of the home application of transcutaneous neuromodulation in children with urgency or urge incontinence. / S. Yokomizo ; S. Yokomizo. - P.2420-2422
Schulman, S. The efficacy and safety of oral desmopression in children with primary noctural enuresis. / T.H. Dissing ; T.H. Dissing. - P.2427-2431
The effect of desmopressin on short-term memory in children with primary nocturnal enuresis. - P.2432-2434
Schaumburg, H. No relationship between family history of enuresis and response to desmopressin. / N. Seki, S. Ikawa, N. Takano ; N. Seki, S. Ikawa, N. Takano. - P.2435-2437
The genetics of enuresis; a review. - P.2438-2443
Wolfish, N. M. Sleep/arousal and enuresis subtypes. / U. Sillen ; U. Sillen. - P.2444-2447
Central nervous system involvement in nocturnal enuresis: evidence of general neuromotor delay and specific brainstem dysfunction. - P.2448-2451
Intra-individual variability in nighttime urine production and functional bladder capacity estimated by home recordings in patients with noctural enuresis. - P.2452-2455
Efficacy of desmopressin combined with alarm therapy for monosymptomatic noctural enuresis. - P.2456-2458
Neveus. Oxybutynin,desmopressin and enuresis. / O.F. Miller, T.F. Kolon ; O.F. Miller, T.F. Kolon. - P.2459-2462
Butler, R. J. Examination of the structured withdrawal program to prevent relapse of nocturnal enuresis. / S.L. Schulmann, Zuben F.C. Von, N. Plachter ; S.L. Schulmann, Zuben F.C. Von, N. Plachter. - P.2463-2466
Tuxhorn, J. A. Reactive stroma in prostate cancer progression. / S. Uckert, A. Kuthe, U. Jonas ; S. Uckert, A. Kuthe, U. Jonas. - P.2472-2483
Analysis of the gene expression of sparc and its prognostic valye for bladder cancer. - P.2495-2499
Low expression of Galfa protein subunits in human prostate cancer. - P.2512-2517
Comparison of microscopic methods for detecting inflammation in expressed prostatic secretions. - P.2518-2524
Gillenwater, J. Y. This month in clinical urology. / J.A. Tash ; J.A. Tash. - P.2013-2014
Atala, A. This month in investigative urology. / M. Kangasniemi, A. Kaipia, R. Joensuu ; M. Kangasniemi, A. Kaipia, R. Joensuu. - P.2015-2016
Tilloch, W. S. Varicocele in subfertil;ity.Results of treatment. / K. Sugaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Hatano ; K. Sugaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Hatano. - P.2032-2033
Bagley, D. H. Editorial: Problematic lower pole stone. / N.B. Itano ; N.B. Itano. - P.2086
Real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction of urinary cytokeratin 20 detects transitional cell carcinoma cells. - P.2134-2141
Chang, S. S. Intrarectal lidocaine during transrectal prostate biopsy: results of a prospective double-blind randomized trial. / J.P. Richie ; J.P. Richie. - P.2178-2180
Does increased needle biopcy sampling of the prostate detect a higher number of potentially insignificant tumors?. - P.2181-2184
D'Amico, A. Y. Predicting prostate specific antigen outcome preoperatively in the prostate specific antigen era. / D.A. Goldfarb ; D.A. Goldfarb. - P.2185-2188
A comparison of 1,5 % glycine and 2,7% sorbitol-0,5 % mannitol irrigants during transurethral prostate resection. - P.2216-2220
Ockrim, J. L. A probability based system for combining simple office parameters as a predictor of bladder outflow obstruction. / R.R. Bahnson ; R.R. Bahnson. - P.2221-2225
Lazzeri, M. Urodynamic and clinical evedence of acute inhibitory effects of intravesical nociceptin/orphanin FQ on detrusor overactivity in humans: a pilot study. / M. Lazzeri, G. Calo, M. Spinelli. - P.2237-2240
Zimmern, P. Editorial: Intravesical treatment of bladder dysfunction. / P. Zimmern. - P.2241
Zisman, A. The impact of prostate biopsy on patient well-being: a prospective study of voiding impairment. / A. Zisman. - P.2242-2246
Goldman, H. B. The in situ anterior vaginal wall sling: predictors of success. / H.B. Goldman, R.R. Rackley, R.A. Appell. - P.2259-2262
Habermann, H. Alterations in gap junction protein expression in human bening prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. / H. Habermann. - P.2267-2272
Coursey, J. W. Erectile function after anterior urethroplasty. / J.W. Coursey, A.F. Morey, J.W. McAninch. - P.2273-2276
Iversen, P. Editorial: Quaaality of life issues for patients with prostate cancer. / P. Iversen. - P.2291-2292
Nadler, R. B. Laparoscopic excision of a seminal vesicle for the chronic pelvic pain syndrome. / R.B. Nadler, J.N. Rubenstein. - P.2293-2294
Bochner, B. H. Impact of separate versus en bloc pelvic lymph node dissection on the number of lymph nodes retrieved in cystectomy specimens. / B.H. Bochner, H.W. Herr, V.E. Reuter. - P.2295-2296
Pyccetti, L. Spontaneous rupture of a pelvic epidermoid cyst injuring the left ureter and left iliac veins with early recurrence. / L. Pyccetti, C. Urso, A. Lapini. - P.2297-2298
Successful transplantation of a donor kidney after penetrating grade 3 injury and renorrhaphy. - P.2299
Manikandan, R. An unisual cause of ureteral obstruction. / R. Manikandan. - P.2300
Successful management of lower pole ureteropelvic junction obstruction in a partially duplicated collecting system using retrograde endoureteropyelotomy with the holmium: YAG laser. - P.2301-2302
Wood, B. J. Percutaneous radio frequency ablation for hematuria. / B.J. Wood, J. Grippo, C.P. Pavlovich. - P.2303-2304
Gomez-Brouchet, A. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the kidney. / A. Gomez-Brouchet, M. Soulie, M.-B. Delisle. - P.2305
Paraurethral gland carcinoma in a man with bladder exstrophy diagnosed 41 years after bladder plate resection. - P.2306-2307
Kent, D. Successful management of metastatic urethral cancer with organ preservation. / D. Kent. - P.2308
Forrest, M. Bilateral asynchronous paratesticular leiomyosarcomas. / M. Forrest, T. Ahlering. - P.2309-2310
Morgan, B. R. Serum heterophile antibodies interfere with prostate specific antigen test and result in over treatment in a patient with prostate cancer. / B.R. Morgan, T.H. Tarter. - P.2311-2312
Gousse, A. E. Omental interposition for repair of a vesico-acetabular fistula. / A.E. Gousse, K. Pareek, C.J. Lavernia. - P.2313
Mills, J. N. Falsely increased beta-human chorionic gonadotropin with a testicular epidermoid cyst. / J.N. Mills, T.T. Nguyen, R.D. Williams. - P.2314
Schmidt, J. simultaneous replacement of both ureters with small intestine in a woman with cystinuria. / J. Schmidt. - P.2315-2316
Nelson, C. P. Sales and science: changing patterns of pharmaceutical and medical device advertising in peer reviewed urology publicatiobs,1975-2000. / C.P. Nelson, D.A. Bloom. - P.2317-2320
Pautler, S. Letters to the editor:Re: Management of diaphragmatic injury during laparoscopic nephrectomy. / S. Pautler, M.M. Walther. - P.2321
Walsh, P. C. Letters to the editor: Re: High dose radiation delivered by intensity modulated conformal radiotherapy improves outcome of localized cancer. / P.C. Walsh. - P.2321
Heidenreich, A. Letters to the editor: Re: Microsurgical testicular denervation of spermatic cord as primary surgical treatment of chronic orchialgia. / A. Heidenreich. - P.2322
Kapoor, D. Letters to the editor:Re: Randomized comparizon of local versus epidural anesthesia for tension-free vaginal tape operation. / D. Kapoor, G.G. Ghoniem. - P.2323
Levin, R. J. Letters to the editor: Re: Measurement of vaginal and minor labial oxyden tension for evaluyation of female sexual function. / R.J. Levin, G. Wagner. - P.2324
Balachandra, K. Letters to the editors:Re: Treatment of premature ejaculation with paroxetine hydrochloride as needed: 2 single-blind placebo controlled crossover studies. / K. Balachandra. - P.2325
Mathoera, R. B. Cellular membrane associated mucins in artificial urine as mediators of crystal adhesion: an in vitro enterocystoplasty model. / R.B. Mathoera, D.J. Kok, W.J. Visser. - P.2329-2336
Duvdevani, M. Pure rhabdoid tumor of the bladder. / M. Duvdevani, D. Nass, Y. Neumann. - P.2337
Yokomizo, S. Metachronous bilateral testicular tumors in a child. / S. Yokomizo. - P.2341
Dissing, T. H. Partial unilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction induced in 2-week-old piglets. / T.H. Dissing. - P.2354-2358
Muller, L. Detrusor thickness in healthy chilldren assessed by a standardized ultrasound method. / L. Muller, B. Jacobsson, S. Marild. - P.2364-2367
Seki, N. Intravesical instillation of resiniferatoxin for neurogenic bladder dysssfunction in a patient with myelodysplasia. / N. Seki, S. Ikawa, N. Takano. - P.2368-2369
DeMarco, R. T. Congenital neuroblastoma: a cystic retroperitoneal mass in a 34-week fetus. / R.T. DeMarco, A.J. Casale, M.M. Davis. - P.2375
Sillen, U. Bladder function in healthy neonates and its development during infancy. / U. Sillen. - P.2376-2381
Austin, J. C. Vesicoamniotic shunt in a female fetus with the prune belly syndrome. / J.C. Austin. - P.2382
Holmes, N. M. Fetal intervention for myelomeningocele: effect on postnatal bladder function. / N.M. Holmes, H.T. Nguyen, M.R. Harrison. - P.2383-2386
Yerkes, E. B. In utero perinephric urinoma and urinary ascites with posterior urethral valves; a paradoxical pop-off valve? / E.B. Yerkes, M.P. Cain, L.M. Padilla. - P.2387-2388
Miller, O. F. Prenatal diagnosis of vacterl association. / O.F. Miller, T.F. Kolon. - P.2389-2391
Schulmann, S. L. Biofeedback methodology: does it matter how we teach children how to relax the pelvic floor during voiding? / S.L. Schulmann, Zuben F.C. Von, N. Plachter. - P.2423-2426
CME Enrollment form and questionnaire. - P.2468
Uckert, S. Characterization and functional relevance of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase isoenzymes of the human prostate. / S. Uckert, A. Kuthe, U. Jonas. - P.2484-2490
Hara, S. Over expression of inhibitor of caspase 3 activated deoxyribonuclease in human renal cell carcinoma cells enhances their resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapy in vivo. / S. Hara, H. Miyake, S. Arakawa. - P.2491-2494
Li, D. Distribution of DT-diaphorase and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate: cytochrome P 450 oxidoreductase in bladder tissues and tumors. / D. Li, Y. Gan, M. Guill. - P.2500-2505
Takahashi, T. Antitumor effects of the intravesical instillation of heat killed cells of the lactobacillus casei strain shirota on the murine orthotopic bladder tumor MBT-2. / T. Takahashi, A. Kushiro, K. Nomoto. - P.2506-2511
Tash, J. A. Fibroblast growth factor-7 regulates stratification of the bladder urothelium. / J.A. Tash. - P.2536-2541
Kangasniemi, M. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging of rat testes: a method for early detection of ischemia. / M. Kangasniemi, A. Kaipia, R. Joensuu. - P.2542-2544
Sugaya, K. Micturition in thoracic spinal cord injured cats with autografting of the adrenal medulla to the sacral spinal cord. / K. Sugaya, Y. Ogawa, T. Hatano. - P.2525-2529
Itano, N. B. Electron beam computerized tomography assessment of in vivo single kidney glomerular filtration rate and tubular dynamics during chronic partial unilateral ureteral obstruction in the pig. / N.B. Itano. - P.2530-2535
Drinnan, M. J. Transmission of penile cuff pressure to the penile urethra. / M.J. Drinnan, W. Robson, M. Reddy. - P.2545-2549
Richie, J. P. Urological oncology: Testis cancer and advances in oncological therapy. / J.P. Richie. - P.2552-2554
McDougal, W. S. Adrenal and renal physiology,and medical renal disease. / W.S. McDougal. - P.2555-2557
Goldfarb, D. A. Renal transplantation and renovascular hypertension. / D.A. Goldfarb. - P.2558-2561
Wein, A. j. Voiding function and dysfunction,bladder physiology and pharmacology,and female urology. / A.j. Wein. - P.2562-2566
Bahnson, R. R. Book review. / R.R. Bahnson. - P.2567
Subject index to abstracts in Volume 166. - P.2568-2577
Information for authors. - P.2578-2582
Index,Volume 166. - P.2583
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Schmidt, J.
    адроприл - найбільш універсальний інгібітор АПФ [Текст] / J. Schmidt, H. Kraul // Медицина світу : Наук.- практ. журн. оглядових та переклад. статей для широкого кола лікарів. - 2001. - Том10, N6. - С. 329-334.

Дод.точки доступу:
Kraul, H.

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: J18/2003/169/3

JOURNAL of UROLOGY [Текст]. - New York. - Виходить щомісячно
2003р. Vol. 169 N 3
Gillenwater, J. Y. This month in clinical urology / J.Y. Gillenwater. - P.817-818
Atala, A. This month in investigative urology / A. Atala. - P.819-820
Mejean, A. Prognostic factors of renal cell carcinoma / A. Mejean, S. Oudard, N. Thiounn. - P.821-827
Patel, H. R.H. The patient's dilemma : Prostate cancer treatment choices / H.R.H. Patel, S. Mirsadraee, M. Emberton. - P.828-833
Hautmann, R. E. Urinary diversion : Ileal conduit to neobladder / R.E. Hautmann. - P.834-842
Garnett, S. The natural history of the overactive bladder and detrusor overactivity. A review of the evidence regarding the long-term outcome of the overactive bladder / S. Garnett, P. Abrams. - P.843-848
Bader, P. Disease progression and survival of patients with positive lymph nodes after radical prostatectomy. Is there a chance of cure ? / P. Bader, F.C. Burkhard, R. Markwalder, Studer U.S. - P.849-854
Інші автори: Burkhard F.C., Markwalder R., Studer U.S.
Lee, R. S. Intermediate outcomes of dual renal allografts : The University of Washington experience / R.S. Lee, E. Miller, C.L. Marsh, Kuhr C.S. - P.855-858
Інші автори: Miller E., Marsh C.L., Kuhr C.S.
Osman, Y. Vascular complications after live donor renal transplantation : Study of risk factors and effects on graft and patient survival / Y. Osman, A. Shokeir, B. Ali-El-Dein. - P.859-862
Parks, J. H. Changes in urine volume accomplished by physicians treating nephrolithiasis / J.H. Parks, E.R. Goldfischer, F.L. Coe. - P.863-866
Greischar, A. Influence of urine pH and citrate concentration on the upper limit of metastability for calcium phosphate / A. Greischar, Y. Nakagawa, F.L. Coe. - P.867-870
Cahili, D. J. Variation in urine composition in the human urinary tract : Evidence of urothelial function in situ ? / D.J. Cahili, C.H. Fry, J.D. Foxall. - P.871-874
Ogiste, J. S. The role of mannitol in alleviating renal injury during extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy / J.S. Ogiste, R.J. Nejat, H.H. Rashid et al. - P.875-877
Інші автори: Nejat R.J., Rashid H.H., Greene T., Gupta M.
Hochreiter, W. W. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for distal ureteral calculi : what a powerful machine can achieve / W.W. Hochreiter, H. Danuser, M. Perrig, Studer U.E. - P.878-880
Інші автори: Danuser H., Perrig M., Studer U.E.
Lu, H. Stone retropulsion during Holmium : YAG lithotripsy / H. Lu, R.T. Ryan, M.H. Teichmann et al. - P.881-885
Інші автори: Ryan R.T., Teichmann M.H., Kim J., Choi B., Arakeri N.V.
Mandhani, A. Is 2-week duration sufficient for stenting in endopyelotomy ? / A. Mandhani, R. Kapoor, W. Zaman. - P.886-889
Kawauchi, A. Hand assisted retroperitoneoscopic nephroureterectomy: comparison with the open procedure / A. Kawauchi, A. Fujito, O. Ukimura. - P.890-894
Hwang, J. J. Surgical management of multi-organ visceral tumors in patients with von Hippel-Lindau disease : A single stage approach / J.J. Hwang, E.M. Uchio, C.P. Pavlovich. - P.895-898
Han, K. -R. TNM T3A renal cell carcinoma : Adrenal gland involvement is not the same as renal fat invasion / K.-R. Han, M.H.T. Bui, A.J. Pantuck. - P.899-904
Zucchi, A. Renal cell carcinoma : Histological findings on surgical margins after nephron sparing surgery / A. Zucchi, L. Mearini, E. Costantini et al. - P.905-908
Інші автори: Mearini L., Costantini E., Vivacqua С., Porena M.
Zisman, A. Renal cell carcinoma with tumor thrombus extension : biology, role of nephrectomy and response to immunotherapy / A. Zisman, J.A. Wieder, A.J. Pantuck. - P.909-916
Parekattil, S. J. Neural network using combined urine nuclear matrix protein-22 , monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and urinary intercellular adhesion molecule-1 to detect bladder cancer / S.J. Parekattil, H.A.G. Fisher, B.A. Kogan. - P.917-920
Pfister, C. Immunocyt test improves the diagnostic accuracy of urinary cytology : results of a French multicenter study / C. Pfister, D. Chautard, M. Devonec. - P.921-924
Goel, M. C. Percutaneous management of renal pelvic urothelial tumors : long-term followup / M.C. Goel, V. Mahendra, J.G. Roberts. - P.925-930
Volkmer, B. G. T2A Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder : Long-term experience with intravesical immunoprophylaxis with bacillus Calmette-Guerin / B.G. Volkmer, J.E. Gschwend, S.H. Maier et al. - P.931-935
Інші автори: Gschwend J.E., Maier S.H., Seidl-Schlick E.M., Bach D., Romics I.
Droller, M. J. Editorial : Urothelial tumors - liberal applicationf of conservative approaches / M.J. Droller. - P.936-937
Shariat, S. F. Cyclooxygenase-2 is highly expressed in carcinoma in situ and T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder / S.F. Shariat, J.-H. Kim, G.E. Ayala. - P.938-942
Herr, H. W. Superiority of ratio based lymph node staging for bladder cancer / H.W. Herr. - P.943-945
Konety, B. R. Extent of pelvic lymphadenectomy and its impact on outcome in patients diagnosed with bladder cancer : Analysis of data from the surveillance, epidemiology and end results program data base / B.R. Konety, S.A. Joslyn, M.A. O'Donnell. - P.946-950
Chang, S. S. Decreasing blood loss in patients treated with radical cystectomy : A prospective randomized trial using a new stapling device / S.S. Chang, J.A. Smith, M.S. Cookson. - P.951-954
Leissner, J. Prognostic significance of vascular and perineural invasion in urothelial bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy / J. Leissner, C. Koeppen, H.K. Wolf. - P.955-960
Lin, D. W. Value of urethral wash cytology in the retained male urethra after radical cystoprostatectomy / D.W. Lin, H.W. Herr, G. Dalbagni. - P.961-963
Ohori, M. Do impalpable stage T1C prostate cancers visible on ultrasound differ from those not visible ? / M. Ohori, M.W. Kattan, T. Utsunomiya et al. - P.964-968
Інші автори: Kattan M.W., Utsunomiya T., Suyama K., Scardino P.T., Wheeler T.M.
Freedland, S. J. Comparison of preoperative prostate specific antigen density and prostate specific antigen for predicting recurrence after radical prostatectomy : results from the search data base / S.J. Freedland, C.J. Kane, J.C. Presti et al. - P.969-973
Інші автори: Kane C.J., Presti J.C., Terris M.K., Amling C.L., Dorey F., Aronson W.J.
Martinez, A. Conformal high dose rate brachytherapy improves biochemical control and cause specific survival in patients with prostate cancer and poor prognostic factors / A. Martinez, J. Gonzalez, W. Spencer. - P.974-980
Backhaus, B. O. Corporoplasty for advanced Peyronie's disease using venous and / or dermis patch grafting : new surgical technique and long-term patient satisfaction / B.O. Backhaus, S.C. Muller, P. Albers. - P.981-984
Madersbacher, S. Long-term outcome of ileal conduit diversion / S. Madersbacher, J. Schmidt, J.M. Eberle. - P.985-990
Zgang, X. Comparison of open surgery versus retroperitoneoscopic approach to chyluria / X. Zgang, Z.-Q. Ye, Z. Chen et al. - P.991-993
Інші автори: Ye Z.-Q., Chen Z., Chen Z.-Q., Zhu Q.-G., Xin M., Li L.-C.
VapnekJ.M. A prospective randomized trial of the lofric hydrophilic coated cftheter versus conventional plastic catheter for clean intermittent catheterization / VapnekJ.M., F.M. Maynard, J. Kim. - P.994-998
Fleischmann, N. Sphincteric urinary incontinence : relationship of vesical leak point pressure, urethral mobility and severity of incontinence / N. Fleischmann, A.J. Flisser, J.G. Blaivas, Panagopoulos G. - P.999-1002
Інші автори: Flisser A.J., Blaivas J.G., Panagopoulos G.
McIntosh, S. L. Noninvasive measurement of bladder pressure . Does mechanical interruption of the urinary stream inhibit detrusor contraction ? / S.L. McIntosh, C.J. Griffiths, M.J. Drinnan. - P.1003-1006
Kranse, R. Bladder outlet resistance / R. Kranse, van R. Mastrigt. - P.1007-1010
Griffiths, D. J. Editorial : Bladder failure - A condition to reckon with / D.J. Griffiths. - P.1011-1012
Scarpero, H. M. Repeat urethrolysis after failed urethrolysis for latrogenic obstruction / H.M. Scarpero, R.R. Dmochowski, V.W. Nitti. - P.1013-1016
Shafik, A. Effect of urethral dilation on vesical motor activity : Identification of the urethrovesical reflex and its role in voiding / A. Shafik, O. El-Sibai, I. Ahmed. - P.1017-1019
Tsuji, Y. A new endoscopic ureteral reimplantation for primaaary vesicoureteral reflux (endoscopic trigonoplasty II) / Y. Tsuji, K. Okamura, T. Nishimura et al. - P.1020-1022
Інші автори: Okamura K., Nishimura T., Okamoto N., Kobaayashi M., Kinukawa T.
Tan, T. L. Which stop test is best ? Measuring detrusor contractility in older females / T.L. Tan, M.A. Bergmann, D. Griffiths, Resnick N.M. - P.1023-1027
Інші автори: Bergmann M.A., Griffiths D., Resnick N.M.
Dmochowski, R. R. Transvaginal radio frequency treatment of the endopelvic fascia : A prospective evaluaation for the treatment of ggenuine stress urinary incontinence / R.R. DmochowskiAvon M. , J. Ross et al. - P.1028-1032
Інші автори: , Ross J., Cooper J.M., Kaplan R., Love B.
Eilber, K. S. Ten-year experience with transvaginal vesicovaginal fistula repair using tissue interposition / K.S. Eilber, E. Kavaler, L.V. Rodriguez. - P.1033-1036
Johnstone, P. A.S. A prospective randomized pilot trial of acupuncture of the kidney-bladder distinct meridian for lower urinary tract symptoms / P.A.S. Johnstone, T.L. Bloom, R.C. Niemtzow. - P.1037-1039
Wysowski, D. K. Use of medications for erectile dysfunction in the United States, 1996 through 2001 / D.K. Wysowski, J. Swann. - P.1040-1042
El-Sakka, A. Erectile dysfunction risk factors in noninsulin dependent diabetic saudi patients / A. El-Sakka, K.A. Tayeb. - P.1043-1047
Sperling, H. Sildenafil response is influenced by the G protein beta 3 subunit GNB3 C825T polymorphism : A pilot study / H. Sperling, A. Eisenhardt, S. Virchow. - P.1048-1051
Paick, J. -S. Microsurgical vasovasostomy after failed vasovasostomy / J.-S. Paick, J.Y. Park, D.W. Park. - P.1052-1055
Shan, C. J. Comparative study of sclerotherapy with phenol and surgical treatment for hydrocele / C.J. Shan, A.M. Lucon, S. Arap. - P.1056-1059
Joshi, H. B. Ureteral stent symptom questionnaire : Development and validation of a multidimensional quality of life measure / H.B. Joshi, N. Newns, A. Stainnthorpe. - P.1060-1064
Joshi, H. B. Indwelling ureteral stents : Evaluation of symptoms quality of life and utility / H.B. Joshi, A. Stainthorpe, R.P. MacDonagh et al. - P.1065-1069
Інші автори: Stainthorpe A., MacDonagh R.P., Keeley F.X., Timoney A.G.
Auge, B. K. Ureteral access sheath facilitates inspection of incision of ureteropelvic junction / B.K. Auge, N.Z. Wu, P.K. Pietrow et al. - P.1070-1073
Інші автори: Wu N.Z., Pietrow P.K., Delvecchio F.C., Preminger G.M.
Ali-El-Dein, B. Bridging long ureteral defects using the Yang-Monti principle / B. Ali-El-Dein, M.A. Ghoneim. - P.1074-1077
Ishikawa, T. Retroperitoneal bronchogenic cyst managed with retroperitoneoscopic surgery / T. Ishikawa, G. Kawabata, H. Okada. - P.1078-1079
Sasaki, G. Giant seminoma in a patient with 5alfa-reductase type 2 deficiency / G. Sasaki, K. Nakagawa, A. Hashiguchi. - P.1080-1081
Choi, W. W. Lymphoma of the prostate and bladder presenting as acute urinary obstruction / W.W. Choi, R.L. Yap, O. Ozer et al. - P.1082-1083
Інші автори: Yap R.L., Ozer O., Pins M.R., Schaeffer A.J.
Masuda, H. Successful treatment of dermatomyositis associated with adenocarcinoma on the prostate after radical prostatectomy / H. Masuda, M. Urushibara, K. Kihara. - P.1084
Dahm, P. Management of retained retractor during radical perineal prostatectomy / P. Dahm, D.F. Paulson, D.M. Albala. - P.1085
McKay, H. A. Vesicovaginal fisstula after cervical cerclage : repair by transsurethral suture cystorrhaphy / H.A. McKay, K. Hanlon. - P.1086-1087
Gerstenbluth, R. E. Priapism secondary to hypertriglyceridemia / R.E. Gerstenbluth, P.S. Kick, A.D. Srodes. - P.1088
Shergill, I. S. Testosterone induced priapism in Kallmann's syndrome / I.S. Shergill, N.P.R. Hamid, M. Arya, Anjum I. - P.1089
Інші автори: Hamid N.P.R., Arya M., Anjum I.
Sim, H. G. Letter to the editor : Re : Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients ubdergoing radical prostatectomy : High incidence of lymph node metastasis / H.G. Sim, S.C. Cheng. - P.1090
Errata : RHAMM is involved in bladder stretch injury and influences smooth muscle cell contraction in vitro . - P.1090
Errata : Prostatic embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. - P.1090
Errata : Prognosis of advanced bladder cancer. - P.1090-1091
DeFoor, W. Ectopic ureterocele : clinical application of classification based on renal unit jeopardy / W. DeFoor, E. Minevich, L. Tackett et al. - P.1092-1094
Інші автори: Minevich E., Tackett L., Yasar U., Wacksman J., Sheldon C.
Lorenzo, A. J. Metanephric stromal tumor with urothelial extension / A.J. Lorenzo, C. Timmons, A. Weinberg, Megison S.M. - P.1095-1097
Інші автори: Timmons C., Weinberg A., Megison S.M.
Perovic, S. V. Vascularization of the hypospadiac prepuce and its impact on hypospadias repair / S.V. Perovic, Z.I. Radojicic. - P.1098-1101
Surer, I. Continent urinary diversion and the exstrophy-epispadias complex / I. Surer, F.A. Ferrer, L.A. Baker, Gearhart J.P. - P.1102-1105
Інші автори: Ferrer F.A., Baker L.A., Gearhart J.P.
Ashfield, J. E. Treatment of phimosis with topical steroids in 194 children / J.E. Ashfield, K.R. Nickel, D.R. Siemens et al. - P.1106-1108
Інші автори: Nickel K.R., Siemens D.R., MacNeily A.E., Nickel J.C.
Stenberg, A. Endoscopic treatment with dextranomer-hyaluronic acid for vesicoureteral reflux : histological findings / A. Stenberg, E. Larsson, G. Lackgren. - P.1109-1113
Nguyen, H. T. The outcome of bladder neck closure in children with severe urinery incontinence / H.T. Nguyen, L.S. Baskin. - P.1114 - 1116
CME Enrollment form and questionnaire. - P.1118-1121
Kauffman, E. C. Metastasis suppression : the evolving role of metastasis suppressor genes for regulating cancer cell growth at the secondary site / E.C. Kauffman, V.L. Robinson, W.M. Stadler. - P.1122-1133
Hendrix, M. J.C. Editorial : The potential clinical use of exploiting metastasis suppressor genes to reculate prostatic cancer / M.J.C. Hendrix. - P.1134
Gee, J. Connexin 26 is abnormally expressed in bladder cancer / J. Gee, M. Tanaka, H.B. Grossman. - P.1135-1137
Harden, S. V. Quantitative GSTP1 methylation clearly distinguishes benighn prostatic tissue and limited prostate adenocarcinoma / S.V. Harden, Z. Guo, J.I. Epstein, Sidransky D. - P.1138-1142
Інші автори: Guo Z., Epstein J.I., Sidransky D.
Nelson, J. B. Suppression of prostate cancer induced bone remodeling by the endothelin receptor a antagonist atrasentan / J.B. Nelson, A.A. Nabulsi, N.J. Vogelzang. - P.1143-1149
Keledjian, K. Anoikis induction by quinazoline based alfa1 - adrenoceptor antagonists in prostate cancer cells : antagonictic effect of BCL-2 / K. Keledjian, N. Kyprianou. - P.1150-1156
Abraham, S. Maspin functions as a tumor suppressor by increasing cell adhesion to extracellular matrix in prostate tumor cells / S. Abraham, W. Zhang, N. Greenberg, Zhang M. - P.1157-1161
Інші автори: Zhang W., Greenberg N., Zhang M.
Domann, F. E. Editorial : Maspin as a molecular target for cancer therapy / F.E. Domann, B.W. Futscher. - P.1162-1164
Stehr, M. Platalet derived growth factor-BB is a potent mitogen for rat ureteral and human bladder smooth muscle cells : dependence on lipid rafts for cell signaling / M. Stehr, R.M. Adam, J. Khoury. - P.1165-1170
Vaajanen, A. Expansion and fixation properties or a new braided biodegradable urethral stent : An experimental study in the rabbit / A. Vaajanen, J.-P. Nuutinen, T. Isotalo. - P.1171-1174
User, H. M. Penile weight and cell subtype specific changes in a post-radical prostatectomy model of erectile dysfunction / H.M. User, J.H. Hairston, D.J. Zelner. - P.1175-1179
Richie, J. P. Urological oncology : Testis cancer and advances in oncological therapy / J.P. Richie. - P.1182-1186
McDougal, W. S. Adrenal and renal physiology , and medical renal disease / W.S. McDougal. - P.1187-1190
Wein, A. J. Voiding function and dysfunction, bladder physiology and pharmacology, and female urology / A.J. Wein. - P.1191-1198
Goldfarb, D. A. Renal transplantation and renovascular hypertension / D.A. Goldfarb. - P.1199-1202
Ward, J. F. Book reviews / J.F. Ward, H. Zincke, C.G. Roehrborn. - P.1203-1204
News and announcements. - P.1205-1207
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Шифр: J18/2003/170/1

JOURNAL of UROLOGY [Текст]. - New York. - Виходить щомісячно
2003р. Vol. 170 N 1
Gillenwater, J. Y. This month in clinical urology / J.Y. Gillenwater. - P.1-2
Atala, A. This month in investigative urology / A. Atala. - P.3-4
Huyghe, E. Increasing incidence of testicular cancer worldwide : A review / E. Huyghe, T. Matsuda, P. Thonneau. - P.5-11
Larson, B. T. Histological changes of minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer : clinical implications / B.T. Larson, D.G. Bostwick, A. Corica, Larson T.R. - P.12-19
Інші автори: Bostwick D.G., Corica A., Larson T.R.
Yohannes, P. Ureteral endometriosis / P. Yohannes. - P.20-25
Burnett, A. L. Pathophysiology of priapism : dysregulatory erection physiology thesis / A.L. Burnett. - P.26-34
Stein, J. P. Risk factors for patients with pelvic lymph node metastases following radical cystectomy with en bloc pelvic lymphadenectomy : the concept of lymph node density / J.P. Stein, J. Cai, S. Groshen, Skinner D.G. - P.35-41
Інші автори: Cai J., Groshen S., Skinner D.G.
Abdi, R. Correlation detween glomerular size and long-term renal function in patients with substantial loss of renal mass / R. Abdi, V.M. Dong, J.R. Rubel, Kittur D.; Marshall F.; Racusen L.C. - P.42-44
Інші автори: Dong V.M., Rubel J.R., Kittur D.; Marshall F.; Racusen L.C.
Matlaga, B. R. Computerized tomography guided access for percutaneous nephrostolithotomy / B.R. Matlaga, O.D. Shah, R.J. Zagoria, Dyer R.B.; Streem S.B.; Assimos D.G. - P.45-47
Інші автори: Shah O.D., Zagoria R.J., Dyer R.B.; Streem S.B.; Assimos D.G.
Raj, G. V. Percutaneous management of calculi within horseshoe kidneys / G.V. Raj, B.K. Auge, A.Z. Weizer, Denstedt J.D.; Watterson J.D.; Beiko D.T. . - P.48-51
Інші автори: Auge B.K., Weizer A.Z., Denstedt J.D.; Watterson J.D.; Beiko D.T.
Gill, I. S. Laparoscopic ice slush renal hypothermia for partial nephrectomy : the initial experience / I.S. Gill, S.C. Abreu, M.M. Desai, Steinberg A.P.; Ramani A.P.; Ng Ch. - P.52-65
Інші автори: Abreu S.C., Desai M.M., Steinberg A.P.; Ramani A.P.; Ng Ch.
Fettouh, El H. A. Prospective comparison of 3-dimensional volume rendered computerized tomography and conventional renal arteriography for surgical planning in patients undergoing laparoscopic donor nephrectomy / El H.A. Fettouh, B.R. Herts, T. Nimen, Wirth S.L.; Caplin A.; Sands M. - P.57-60
Інші автори: Herts B.R., Nimen T., Wirth S.L.; Caplin A.; Sands M.
Thomas, M. A. Optical access trocar injuries in urological laparoscopic surgery / M.A. Thomas, K.H. Rha, A.M. Ong, Pinto P.A.; Montgomery R.A.; Kavoussi L.R. - P.61-63
Інші автори: Rha K.H., Ong A.M., Pinto P.A.; Montgomery R.A.; Kavoussi L.R.
Gill, I. S. Comparative analysis of laparoscopic versus open partial nephrectomy for renal tumors in 200 patients / I.S. Gill, S.F. Matin, M.M. Desai, Kaouk J.H.; Steinderg A.; Mascha E. - P.64-68
Інші автори: Matin S.F., Desai M.M., Kaouk J.H.; Steinderg A.; Mascha E.
Roy, C. Contrast enhanced color Doppler endorectal sonography of the prostate : efficiency for detecting peripheral zone tumors and role for biopsy procedure / C. Roy, X. Buy, H. Lang, Saussine C.; Jacqmin D. - P.69-72
Інші автори: Buy X., Lang H., Saussine C.; Jacqmin D.
Bianco, F. J. Radical prostatectomy nomograms in black american men : accuracy and applicability / F.J. Bianco, M.W. Kattan, P.T. Scardino, Powell I.J.; Pontes J.E.; Wood D.P. - P.73-77
Інші автори: Kattan M.W., Scardino P.T., Powell I.J.; Pontes J.E.; Wood D.P.
Wu, T. T. The role of p53 , bcl-2 and E-cadherin expression in predicting biochemical relapse for organ confined prostate cancer in Taiwan / T.T. Wu, Y.-Sh. Hsu, J.-S. Wang, Lee Y.-H.; Huang J.-K. - P.78-81
Інші автори: Hsu Y.-Sh., Wang J.-S., Lee Y.-H.; Huang J.-K.
Rovner, E. S. Diagnosis and reconstruction of the dorsal or circumferential urethral diverticulum / E.S. Rovner, A.J. Wein. - P.82-86
Andrich, D. E. The problems of penile urethroplasty with particular reference to 2-stage reconstructions / D.E. Andrich, T.J. Greenwell, A.R. Mundy. - P.87-89
Andrich, D. E. The long-term results of urethroplasty / D.E. Andrich, N. Dunglison, T.J. Greenwell, Mundy A.R. - P.90-92
Інші автори: Dunglison N., Greenwell T.J., Mundy A.R.
Morey, A. F. Editorial : The art of urethral reconstruction / A.F. Morey. - P.93
Lang, E. K. Detection of medullary and papillary necrosis at an early stage by multiphasic helical computerized tomography / E.K. Lang, R.J. Macchia, R. Thomas, Davis R.; Ruiz-Deya G.; Watson R.A. - P.94-98
Інші автори: Macchia R.J., Thomas R., Davis R.; Ruiz-Deya G.; Watson R.A.
Chow, G. K. Ureteroscopy : Effect of technology and technique on clinical practice. / G.K. Chow, D.E. Patterson, M.L. Blute, Segura J.W. - P.99-102
Інші автори: Patterson D.E., Blute M.L., Segura J.W.
Hollenbeck, B. K. Identifying patients who are suitable for stentless ureteroscopy following treatment of urolithiasis / B.K. Hollenbeck, T.G. Schuster, B.D. Seifman, Faerber G.J. ; Wolf J.S. - P.103-106
Інші автори: Schuster T.G., Seifman B.D., Faerber G.J. ; Wolf J.S.
Nelson, C. P. Retrograde ureteroscopy in patients with orthotopic ileal neobladder urinary diversion / C.P. Nelson, J.S. Wolf, J.E. Montie, Faerber G.J. - P.107-110
Інші автори: Wolf J.S., Montie J.E., Faerber G.J.
Bagley, D. H. Editorial : Ureteroscopy continues to evolve / D.H. Bagley. - P.111
Savoie, M. A pelvic draain may be avoided after radical retropubic prostatectomy / M. Savoie, M.S. Soloway, S.S. Kim, Manoharan M. - P.112-114
Інші автори: Soloway M.S., Kim S.S., Manoharan M.
Bernie, J. E. Simple perineal prostatectomy : lessons learned from a modern series / J.E. Bernie, J.D. Schmidt. - P.115-118
Hiratsuka, Y. The risk of elevated creatine kinase and myoglobulinemia due to incised muscles in patients who underwent urological surgery / Y. Hiratsuka, T. Ishii, F. Takeuchi, Okadome A.; Taira H. - P.119-121
Інші автори: Ishii T., Takeuchi F., Okadome A.; Taira H.
Gomelsky, A. Urodynamic patterns following iscemic spinal cord events / A. Gomelsky, G.E. Lemack, K.J. Weld, Dmochowski R.R.; . - P.122-125
Інші автори: Lemack G.E., Weld K.J., Dmochowski R.R.;
Gustafson, K. J. A catheter based method to activate urethral sensory nerve fibers / K.J. Gustafson, G.H. Creasey, W.M. Grill. - P.126-129
Parekh, A. R. The role of pelvic floor exercises on post-prostatectomy incontinence / A.R. Parekh, M.I. Feng, D. Kirages, Bremner H.; Kaswick J.; Aboseif S. - P.130-133
Інші автори: Feng M.I., Kirages D., Bremner H.; Kaswick J.; Aboseif S.
Amundsen, C. L. Urethral erosion after synthetic and nonsynthetic pubovaginal slings : differnces in management and continence outcome / C.L. Amundsen, B.J. Flynn, G.D. Webster. - P.134-137
Suh, D. D. Magnetic resonance imaging anatomy of the female genitalia in premenopausal and postmenopausal / D.D. Suh, C.C. Yang, Y. Cao, Garland P.A.; Maravilla K.R. - P.138-144
Інші автори: Yang C.C., Cao Y., Garland P.A.; Maravilla K.R.
Johnson, T. M. Changes in nocturia from medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia : secondary analysis of the department of veterans affairs cooperative study trial / T.M. Johnson, K. Jones, W.O. Williford, Kutner M.H.; Issa M.M.; Lepor H. - P.145-148
Інші автори: Jones K., Williford W.O., Kutner M.H.; Issa M.M.; Lepor H.
Kuo, R. L. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) : The methodist hospital experience with greater than 75 gram enucleations / R.L. Kuo, S.C. Kim, J.E. Limgeman, Paterson R.F.; Watkins S.L.; Simmons G.R.; Steele R.E. - P.149-152
Інші автори: Kim S.C., Limgeman J.E., Paterson R.F.; Watkins S.L.; Simmons G.R.; Steele R.E.
Yucel, S. Identification of communicating branches among the dorsal, perineal and cavernous nerves of the penis / S. Yucel, L.S. Baskin. - P.153-158
Rajpurkar, A. Comparison of satisfaction rates and erectile function in patients treated with sildenaafil , intracavernous prosstaglandin E1 and penile implant surgery for erectile dysfunction in urology practice / A. Rajpurkar, C.B. Dhabuwala. - P.159-163
Manasia, P. Conparizon of the efficacy and safety of 90 mg versus 20 mg fluoxetine in the treatment of premature ejaculation / P. Manasia, J. Pomerol, N. Ribe, Pozo del R.G. ; Garcia J.A. . - P.164-165
Інші автори: Pomerol J., Ribe N., Pozo del R.G. ; Garcia J.A.
Diefenbach, M. A. Clinical , demographic and psychosocial correlates of complementary and alternative medicine use by men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer / M.A. Diefenbach, N. Hamrick, R. Uzzo, Pollack A.; Horwitz E.; Greenberg R.; Engstrom P.F. - P.166-169
Інші автори: Hamrick N., Uzzo R., Pollack A.; Horwitz E.; Greenberg R.; Engstrom P.F.
Ellison, L. M. Radical endoscopic assisted perineal prostatectomy / L.M. Ellison, P.A. Pinto, L.R. Kavoussi. - P.170-173
Kamerer, A. Novel technique of vest suture vesicourethral anastomosis in a morbidly obese patient undergoing radical retropubic prostatectomy / A. Kamerer, J. Basler, I. Thompson. - P.174
Yesilli, C. Horseshoe kidney with pyelic fusion and crossed single ureter / C. Yesilli, O. Erdem, B. Akduman. - P.175-176
Atiemo, H. O. Xanthogranulomatous adrenalitis / H.O. Atiemo, D. Nonaka, S.G. Silverberg. - P.177
Sanchez-Ortiz, R. F. Spontaneous regression of pulmonary metastases from renal cell carcinoma after radio frequency ablation of the primary tumor : an in situ tumor vaccine ? / R.F. Sanchez-Ortiz, N. Tannir, K. Ahrar. - P.178-179
Syed, S. Sweet's syndrome associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder / S. Syed, J. Furman, J.G. Nalesnik. - P.180-181
Peyromaure, M. Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the prostate / M. Peyromaure, A. Vieillefond, E. Boucher. - P.182-183
Quek, M. L. Colourachal fistula in an adult presenting with feculent umbilical drainage / M.L. Quek, A.I. Shpall, S. Daneshmand. - P.184
Lee, D. K. Pyoderma gangrenosum of the penis / D. K. Lee, M. Hinshaw, D. Cripps. - P.185-186
Ruibal, M. Segmental testicular infarction / M. Ruibal, J.L. Quintana, G. Fernandez. - P.187-188
Lee, Ch. Research enterprise in urology : A message to the urology leadership / Ch. Lee. - P.189-191
Sheir, K. Z. Letters to the editor : Re : Risk factors for formation of steinstrasse after extracurporeal shock wale lithotripsy : Statistical model / K.Z. Sheir. - P.192
Yuen, J. S. Letters to the editor : Re : Comparison of contrast enhanced color Doppler targeted biopsy with conventional systematic biopsy : Impact on prostate cancer detection / J.S. Yuen. - P.192
Macedo, A. Letters to the editor : Re : Use of colon based tubularized flap for antegrade continence Emena / A. Macedo. - P.193
Snodgrass, W. T. Letters to the editor : Re : Skin graft for 2-Stage treatment of severe hypospadias : Back to future ? / W.T. Snodgrass. - P.193
Erratum : Ratio of prostate specifie antigen. - P.194-195
Sureshkumar, P. Treatment of daytime urinary incontinence in children : A systematic review of randomized controlled trials / P. Sureshkumar, W. Bower, C. Craig, Knight J.F. - P.196-200
Інші автори: Bower W., Craig C., Knight J.F.
Blane, C. E. Pediatric renal pelvic fullness : An ultrasonographic dilemma / C.E. Blane, M.A. DiPietro, P.J. Strouse, Koo H.P.; Bloom D.A. - P.201-203
Інші автори: DiPietro M.A., Strouse P.J., Koo H.P.; Bloom D.A.
Capolicchio, J. -P. A modified access technique for retroperitoneoscopic renal surgery in children / J.-P. Capolicchio, R. Jednak, M. Anidjar, Pippi-Salle J.L. - P.204-206
Інші автори: Jednak R., Anidjar M., Pippi-Salle J.L.
Gatti, J. M. Bimanual digital rectal examination for the evaluaation of the nonpalpable testis / J.M. Gatti, C.S. Cooper, A.J. Kirsch. - P.207-210
Kirsch, A. J. Minimally invasive treatment of vesicoureteral reflux with endocopic injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic ACID copolymer : the children's hospitals of Atlanta experience / A.J. Kirsch, M.R. Perez-Brayfield, H.C. Scherz. - P.211-215
CME Tnrollment form and questionnaire. - P.216-217
Kumar, V. Whole urinary proteins coat calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals to greatly decrease their adhesion to renal cells / V. Kumar, G. Farell, J.C. Lieske. - P.221-225
Jichlinski, P. Hexyl aminolevulinate fluorescence cystoscopy : A new diagnostic tool for the photodiagnosis of superficial bladder cancer - A multicenter study / P. Jichlinski, L. Guillou, S.J. Karlsen. - P.226-229
Hausladen, D. A. Effect of intravesical treatment of transitional cell carcinoma with bacillus Calmette-Guerin and mitomycin C on urinary survivin levels and outcome / D.A. Hausladen, M.A. Wheeler, D.C. Altieri, Colberg J.W.; Weiss R.M. - P.230-234
Інші автори: Wheeler M.A., Altieri D.C., Colberg J.W.; Weiss R.M.
Leman, E. S. Regulation of androgen and vitamin D receptors by 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 in human prostate epithelial and stromal cells / E.S. Leman, F. DeMiguel, A.C. Gao. - P.241-245
Ben-Izhak, O. Inverse relationship between SKP2 ubiquitin ligase and the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27 Kip1 in prostate cancer / O. Ben-Izhak, S. Lahay-Baratz, S. Meretyk, Ben-Eliezer S.; Sabo E.; Dirnfeld M. - P.241-245
Інші автори: Lahay-Baratz S., Meretyk S., Ben-Eliezer S.; Sabo E.; Dirnfeld M.
Oades, G. M. Nitrogen containing bisphosphonates induce apoptosis and inhibit the mevalonite pathway, impairing ras membrane localization in prostate cancer cells / G.M. Oades, S.G. Senaratne, L.A. Clarke. - P.246-252
Melchior, D. Dimethyl sulfoxide : does it change the functional properties bladder wall ? / D. Melchior, C.S. Packer, T.C. Johnson. - P.253-258
Santis, W. F. Ureteral function is modulated by a local renin-angiotensin system / W.F. Santis, C.A. Peters, S.V. Yalla. - P.259-263
Roshani, H. Pharmacological modulation of ureteral peristalsis in a chronically instrumented conscious pig model. I : effect of cholinergic stimulation and inhibition / H. Roshani, N.F. Dabhoiwala, T. Dijkhuis. - P.264-267
Holst, U. Norepinephrine inhibits the pelvic pressure increase in response to flow perfusion / U. Holst, T. Dissing, Y.F. Rawashdeh. - P.268-271
Pehrson, R. Tramadol inhibits rat detrusor overactivity caused by dopamine receptor stimulation / R. Pehrson, K.-E. Andersson. - P.272-275
Drake, M. J. Partial outlet obstruction enhances modular autonomous activity in the isolated rat dladder / M.J. Drake, P. Hedlund, I.J. Harvey. - P.276-279
Tuttle, J. B. Editorial : Spontaneous contractile activity in rat bladder / J.B. Tuttle. - P.280
Mulhall, J. P. Radiaation increases fibrogenic cytokine expression dy Peyronie's disease fibroblasts / J.P. Mulhall, J. Branch, T. Lubrano. - P.281-284
Melman, A. The successful long-term treatment of age related erectile dysfunction with HSLO CDNA in rats in vivo / A. Melman, W. Zhao, K.P. Davies. - P.285-290
Yamanaka, M. Diabetes induced erectile dysfunction and apoptosis in penile crura are recovered by insulin treatment in rats / M. Yamanaka, M. Shirai, H. Shiina. - P.291-297
User, H. M. Microarray analysis and description of SMR1 gene in rat penis in a post-radical prostatectomy model of erectile dysfunction / H.M. User, D.J. Zelner, K.E. McKenna. - P.298-301
Lewis, A. G. Early orchiopexy restores fertility in the HOXA 11 gene knockout mouse / A.G. Lewis, B.R. Pecha, E.P. Smith. - P.302-305
2002 Journal of urology consultants. - P.306-311
Walsh, P. S. Urologic oncology : Prostate cancer / P.S. Walsh. - P.312-320
Siegel, C. Imaging / C. Siegel. - P.321
Canning, D. A. Pediatric urology / D.A. Canning. - P.322-328
Smith, J. A. Diagnostic urology , diversion and perioperative care / J.A. Smith. - P.329-334
Shaeffer, A. J. Infection and inflammation of genitourinary tract / A.J. Shaeffer. - P.335-338
Kaplan, S. A. Benign prostatic hyperplasia / S.A. Kaplan. - P.339-343
Montie, J. E. Book reviews / J.E. Montie, S. Oottamasathien, E.D. Crawford. - P.344-346
News and Announcements. - P.347-348
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Madersbacher, S.
    Long-term outcome of ileal conduit diversion [Текст] / S. Madersbacher, J. Schmidt, J.M. Eberle // JOURNAL of UROLOGY. - 2003. - Vol.169, N3. - С. 985-990. - Bibliogr.: 21 ref.

Дод.точки доступу:
Schmidt, J.; Eberle, J.M.

    Bernie, J. E.
    Simple perineal prostatectomy : lessons learned from a modern series [Text] / J.E. Bernie, J.D. Schmidt // JOURNAL of UROLOGY. - 2003. - Vol.170, N1. - P115-118. - Bibliogr.: 9 ref.

Дод.точки доступу:
Schmidt, J.D.

    DEfining vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage [Text] : what is the most ckinically relevant definition? / J.A. Frontera, A. Fernandez, J.M. Schmidt et al. // STROKE : A journal of cerebral circulation. - 2009. - Vol.40, N6. - P1963-1968 : табл. - Bibliogr.: 29 ref. . - ISSN 0039-2499





Дод.точки доступу:
Frontera, J.A.; Fernandez, A.; Schmidt, J.M.; Claassen, J.; Wartenberg, K.E. et al.

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: НР25/2011/2

Новое в стоматологии . - М, 1996 - . - Виходить 10 раз на рік
2011р. N 2
Rafiy, C. Возможности лечения в эстетической зоне / C. Rafiy. - С.4-27
Минчик, Й. Лечение коронко-корневого перелома зуба с использованием стекловолоконного штифта / Й. Минчик, М. Туленко. - С.28-29
Fritzler, W. Просто о деталях! Часть 2 / W. Fritzler, R. Kopprasch, E. Kindler. - С.30-47
Sugiyama, T. Непрерывный придесневой контур с системой фрикционной ретенции / T. Sugiyama, M. Takano. - С.48-52
Wanner, H. Концепция постэкстракционного ведения лунки / H. Wanner. - С.54-55
Schmidt, J. Минимально инвазивная имплантация в эстетической зоне / J. Schmidt. - С.56-59
Rupf, S. О качестве эндодонтического лечения / S. Rupf [и др.]. - С.60-61
Інші автори: Al-Marrawi F., Fuchss A., Hafer M., Jentsch H.
Кузьминская, О. Ю. Клиническое применение системы индуцированной флуоресценции SOPROLIFE для диагностики и планирования лечения кариеса зубов у детей и взрослых / О. Ю. Кузьминская [и др.]. - С.62-67
Інші автори: Николаев А.И., , Доценко А.В., Степанова Т.С.
Edelhoff, D. При командной работе успех запланирован. Часть 2 / D. Edelhoff, O. Brix. - С.68-78
Аболмасов, Н. Н. Клинические аспекты препарирования зубов при изготовлении фарфоровых виниров / Н. Н. Аболмасов [и др.]. - С.80-84
Інші автори: Сердюков М.С., Тымань С.Г., Чеботаренко О.Ю.
Fink, A. Фантастические виниры / A. Fink. - С.85-101
Bartsch, F. Моя технология изготовления реставраций с опорой на имплантаты. Часть 14 / F. Bartsch. - С.102-108
Fischer, E. Точная, надежная и экономичная модель - невозможно!? / E. Fischer. - С.109-112
Власова, Н. Н. Процедура отбеливания. Профилактика и лечение осложнений в кабинете стоматолога и дома с использованием Colgate® Sensitive Hro-Relief™ / Н. Н. Власова. - С.116-118
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Schmidt, J.
    Минимально инвазивная имплантация в эстетической зоне [] / J. Schmidt // Новое в стоматологии. - 2011. - N 2. - С. 56-59


    Free fatty acid and delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage [Text] / Neeraj Badjatia, D. Seres, A. Carpenter et al. // STROKE : A journal of cerebral circulation. - 2012. - Vol.43, N3. - P691-696 : il. - Ref. : p. 695-696 . - ISSN 0039-2499

Дод.точки доступу:
Neeraj Badjatia; Seres, D.; Carpenter, A.; Schmidt, J.M.; Kivon Lee et al.

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: НР25/2013/1

Новое в стоматологии . - М, 1996 - . - Виходить 10 раз на рік
2013р. N 1
Spiegelberg, F. E. Четырехмерное обратное планирование / F. E. Spiegelberg, Ch. Buhl. - С.2-15
Stosek, M. Случай эндодонтического лечения внутренней резорбции корня зуба с помощью стекловолоконного композитного корневого штифта / M. Stosek, J. Mincik, M. Tulenko. - С.16-17
Ganz, S. -D. Новый стандарт планирования имплантации / S.-D. Ganz. - С.18-33
Meyer-Lueckel, H. Рандомизированное плацебо-контролируемое исследование эффективности лечения кариеса аппроксимальных поверхностей зубов методом инфильтрации в отдаленные сроки (3-летнее наблюдение) / H. Meyer-Lueckel, K. Bitter, S. Paris. - С.34-36
Schmidt, J. Виртуальным способом / J. Schmidt. - С.38-40
Леманн, К. М. Визуальный и цифровой способ определения цвета / К. М. Леманн, Г. Шеллер. - С.42-43
Manhart, J. Рутинное применение цельнокерамических реставраций / J. Manhart, H. Schenk. - С.44-56
Morhofer, O. Хорошее сочетание. Часть 1 / O. Morhofer, B. Kobus. - С.57-62
Thomsen, J. Мотивация: решающий фактор при профилактике / J. Thomsen. - С.64-66
Rutten, L. Междисциплинарная концепция успеха. Часть 1 / L. Rutten, P. Rutten. - С.67-80
Girinis, H. Больше, чем сумма отдельных частей. Часть 3 / H. Girinis. - С.81-94
Ковалевский, С. В. Немедленная имплантация и немедленная нагрузка при работе с имплантами системы Ankylos / С. В. Ковалевский, А. А. Васин. - С.96-99
Немає відомостей про примірники

    Schmidt, J.
    Виртуальным способом [] / J. Schmidt // Новое в стоматологии. - 2013. - № 1. - С. 38-40



