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Шифр: БУ56/2013/6/4

Biotechnologia Acta : наук. журнал/ Ін-т біохімії ім. О.В. Палладіна НАН України. - К., 2008 - . - ISSN 1995-5537. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2013г. т.6 N 4
Сергію Васильовичу Комісаренку 70!. - С.11-14
Yang, Huanming. "A Man of Four" - Mr. Komisarenko in my eyes / H. Yang. - С.15
Sela, Michael. On the notion of synergy of monoclonal antibodies as drugs / M. Sela. - С.16-18
Гришин, Е. В. Получение моноклональных антител к холерному токсину и термолабильному энтеротоксину E. coli для разработки биплексного анализа токсинов в объектах окружающей среды / Е. В. Гришин, Т. И. Валякина. - С.19-32
Lugovskoi, E. V. Usage of monoclonal antibodies for determination of localization of antigenic determinants and fibrin polymerization sites within fibrinogen and fibrin molecules and their application in test-systems for diagnostics and the threat of thrombus formation / E. V. Lugovskoi, I. N. Kolesnikova, S. V. Komisarenko. - С.33-42
Immunobiology of diphtheria. Recent approaches for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. - С.43-62
Другие авторы: Kolybo D. V., Labyntsev A. A., Romaniuk S. I., Kaberniuk A. A., Oliinyk O. M., Korotkevich N. V., Komisarenko S. V.
Mikhailopulo, A. Some recent findings in the biotechnology of biologically important nucleosides / A. Mikhailopulo, A. I. Miroshnikov. - С.63-77
Коровина, А. Н. Поиск ингибиторов репликации вируса герпеса: 30 лет после ацикловира / А. Н. Коровина, М. К. Куханова, С. Н. Кочетков. - С.78-85
Recombinant horseradish peroxidase for analytical applications. - С.86-93
Другие авторы: Egorov А. M., Grigorenko V. G., Andreeva I. P., Ubtsova M. YU.
Dzantiev, B. B. Modern techniques of immunochemical analysis: integration of sensitivity and rapidity / B. B. Dzantiev, A. E. Urusov, A. V. Zherdev. - С.94-104
Souchelnytskyi, S. Individualization of cancer treatment: contribution of omics technologies to cancer diagnostic / S. Souchelnytskyi. - С.105-117
Sidorov, V. A. Plant tissue culture in biotechnology: recent advances in transformation through somatic embryogenesis / V. A. Sidorov. - С.118-131
Kvesitadze, G. Degradation of anthropogenic contaminants by higher plants / G. Kvesitadze. - С.132-143
Zav’yalov, V. P. Polyadhesins: an armory of gram-negative pathogens for penetration through the immune shield / V. P. Zav’yalov. - С.144-161
Birr, Christian. The GMP-based drug substance SCTL development aiming at prevention of opportunistic infections after x-ray- and chemotherapy of cancer. A synthetic combinatorial tetrapeptide library substitution for calf thymus extract / Ch. Birr. - С.162-171
Pearson, G. S. The vital importance of providing sound scientific advice to policy makers in government / G. S. Pearson. - С.172-181
Відповідь пухлинних клітин на пригнічення експресії адаптерного протеїну Ruk/CIN85 рекомбінантними лентивірусами. - С.182-189
Другие авторы: Самойленко А. А., Биць Н. В., Пасічник Г. В., Козлова Н. В., Базалій А. В., Геращенко Д. С., Шандренко С. Г., Воротніков О. В., Кітцманн Т., Комісаренко С. В., Дробот Л. Б.
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    Zav’yalov, V. P.
    Polyadhesins: an armory of gram-negative pathogens for penetration through the immune shield [Text] / V. P. Zav’yalov // Biotechnologia Acta. - 2013. - Т. 6, N 4. - P144-161
Аннотация: The rapid emergence of treatment-resistant bacterial pathogens has become a major threat to public health. The outbreak of new Shiga-toxin–producing Escherichia coli O104H4 infection occured in Germany in 2011 illustrates this problem. To colonize host tissues, pathogenic bacteria express surface adhesive organelles. The German strain uses aggregative adherence fimbriae I (AAF/I) to anchor to the intestinal mucosa and induce inflammation. AAF/I belong to the family of chaperone/usher assembled fimbrial polyadhesins. Polyadhesins are functioning as an armory for penetration through the host immune shield. The polyadhesin-binding to the target cells triggers subversive signal by aggregation of host cell receptors that allow pathogens to mislead and evade immune defense. Their binding is orchestrated with the type III secretion system, which is extremally important for bacterial virulency. Polyadhesins also are involved in biofilm formation making bacteria more resistant to immune response. Because of this, the polyadhesins are potential targets for immune countermeasures against bacterial infections, in particular for anti-adhesion therapy with antibodies to polyadhesins as one of alternatives to antibiotic therapy.
