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    Monastyrskyi, V. M.
    Changes in the sizes of the kidney after contralateral nephrectomy in the experiment / V. M. Monastyrskyi // Вісн. морфології. - 2018. - Том 24, N 3. - P52-57
ПОЧКИ -- KIDNEY (патология)

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Шифр: ВУ8/2018/24/4

Вісник морфології : міжнародний журнал анатомії, гістології, ембріології, антропології та клітинної біології. - Вінниця, 1993 - . - Виходить двічі на рік
2018р. т.24 N 4
Sahan, N. T. Morphofunctional changes of stuctural components of masticatory muscles of mature animals in mercazolilum-induced hypothyroidism / N. T. Sahan. - С.5-14
Dmitriev, M. O. Determination of individual linear and angular characteristics of the position of upper central incisors in Ukrainian joung men and women with orthognathic bite / M. O. Dmitriev [et al.]. - С.15-21
Інші автори: Gunas I. V., Gnenna V. O., Smolko N. M.
Kramar, S. B. Morphometric studies of the damaged skin area after experimental thermal trauma and during correction with cryo-lyophilized xenograft skin substrate / S. B. Kramar, K. S. Volkov, Z. M. Nebesna. - С.22-28
Chernysh, A. V. Regression models of individual cephalometric indicators used in the method of E. P. Harvold / A. V. Chernysh [et al.]. - С.29-34
Інші автори: Hasiuk P. A., Yasko V. V., Smolko D. G.
Monastyrskyi, V. M. Organometric parameters of the remaining kidney after removal of the contralateral in immature rats / V. M. Monastyrskyi. - С.35-40
Gunas, V. I. General phenotypological picture of the finger dermatoglyphics of Ukrainian men: the contribution of individual regions / V. I. Gunas [et al.]. - С.41-46
Інші автори: Mishalov V. D., Serebrennikova O. A., Klimas L. A.
Podolyuk, M. V. Comparative amatomy of the uterine tube of human and laboratory white rat females / M. V. Podolyuk. - С.47-52
Volkov, K. S. Electron microscopic changes of the testis germinal epithelium after an experimental thermal trauma in the application of cryo-lyophilized xenograft skin substrate / K. S. Volkov, S. Yu. Muha. - С.53-57
Rekun, T. O. The role of the transcription factor Sox2 and cytokeratins in the formation and development of the gastroesophageal junction epithelial cell differon / T. O. Rekun [et al.]. - С.58-65
Інші автори: Vernygorodskyi S. V., Kyselova T. M., Tataryna O. V., Cherepakha O. L.
Turhyna, N. S. Pathological changes on basis of ischemia with associated virus infection in mice brain / N. S. Turhyna [et al.]. - С.66-73
Інші автори: Savosko S. I., Ribalko S. L., Starosila D. B., Kolisnik D. I.
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    Monastyrskyi, V. M.
    Organometric parameters of the remaining kidney after removal of the contralateral in immature rats / V. M. Monastyrskyi // Вісн. морфології. - 2018. - Том 24, N 4. - P35-40

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Шифр: BУ45/2018/30

Biomedical and biosocial anthropology : наук. журн./ Голов. ред. В.М. Мороз. - Вінниця, 2003 - . - Виходить двічі на рік
2018р. N 30
Mishalov, V. D. Regional trends indicators finger dermatoglyphics among modern Ukrainians / V. D. Mishalov [et al.]. - С.5-12
Інші автори: Serebrennikova O. A., Klimas L. A., Gunas V. I.
Gunas, I. V. Features cephalometric indicators in boys and girls of various craniotypes with physiological occlusion / I. V. Gunas [et al.]. - С.13-19
Інші автори: Marchenko A. V., Kyrychenko Yu. V., Anisimov E. M.
Mateshuk-Vatseba, L. R. The most pronounced constitutional differences between healthy and sick with pyoderma in men or women in the Western region of Ukraine / L. R. Mateshuk-Vatseba, I. O. Chaplyk-Chyzho. - С.20-26
Semenchenko, V. V. Correlation of anthropo-somatometric parameters of the body of practically heaithy women of the ectomorphic somatotype with cerebral blood circulation indicators / V. V. Semenchenko. - С.27-35
Orlovskiy, V. O. Features of correlations of computer-tomographic sizes of premolars with cephalometric indices of practically healthy men from the Western and Eastern region of Ukraine / V. O. Orlovskiy, V. G. Cherkasov, V. G. Chaika. - С.36-42
Ustymenko, O. S. Sonographic models parameters of kidneys in men and women endo-mesomorphic somatotype depending on the anthropometric indices characteristics / O. S. Ustymenko. - С.43-49
Pozur, T. P. Computed-tomographic vestibular-tongue sizes of teeth in boys and girls with normal occlusion depending on face types / T. P. Pozur. - С.50-55
Monastyrskyi, V. M. Somatotypological features of topographic kidney anatomy of patients without any kidney and urinary tract diseases / V. M. Monastyrskyi, V. I. Pivtorak. - С.56-61
Dmitriev, M. O. Cephalometric studies of Ukrainian boys and girls with physiological bite by the method of Charles J. Burstone / M. O. Dmitriev, A. V. Chernysh, T. V. Chugu. - С.62-67
Kotsyura, O. O. Modeling using regression analysis of linear sizes of molars depending on the cephalometric indices of practically healthy men of the Northern and Southern regions of Ukraine / O. O. Kotsyura. - С.68-74
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    Monastyrskyi, V. M.
    Somatotypological features of topographic kidney anatomy of patients without any kidney and urinary tract diseases / V. M. Monastyrskyi, V. I. Pivtorak // Biomedical and biosocial anthropology. - 2018. - N 30. - P56-61
ПОЧКИ -- KIDNEY (анатомия и гистология)

Дод.точки доступу:
Pivtorak, V. I.
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: ВУ8/2018/24/3

Вісник морфології : міжнародний журнал анатомії, гістології, ембріології, антропології та клітинної біології. - Вінниця, 1993 - . - Виходить двічі на рік
2018р. т.24 N 3
Cherkasov, V. G. Modeling of sonographic parameters of the kidneys in practically healthy women of the middle intermediate somatotype depending on the constitutional parameters of the body / V. G. Cherkasov [et al.]. - С.5-10
Інші автори: Ustymenko O. S., Shayuk A. V., Prokopenko S. V., Gunas I. V.
Vernigorodskiy, S. V. The role of the CagA gene in the occurrence of the inflammatory response of the gastric mucosa in patients with chronic Helicobacter pulori-associated gastritis / S. V. Vernigorodskiy, D. S. Sukhan. - С.11-18
Dmitriev, M. O. Determination of individual teleroentgenographic characteristics of the lower medial incisors position in Ukrainian young men and young women with orthognatic bite / M. O. Dmitriev [et al.]. - С.19-25
Інші автори: Gunas I. V., Dzevulska I. V., Glushak A. A.
Bobyr, V. V. Features of structural-morphological changes in cases of experimental intestinal antibiotic-induced dysbiosis / V. V. Bobyr [et al.]. - С.26-31
Інші автори: Poniatovskyi V. A., Chobotar A. P., Stechenko L. O., Kryvosheyeva O. I., Nazarchuk O. A., Kovalenko O. O.
Sarafinyuk, L. A. Features of total body sizes and anthropometric torso sizes in female volleyball players of mesomorphic somatotype / L. A. Sarafinyuk [et al.]. - С.32-36
Інші автори: Fomina L. V., Khavtur V. O., Fedoniuk L. Ia., Khapitska O. P., Stefanenko I. S.
Koritskiy, V. G. Features of the thyroid gland structural components remodeling in the toxemia stage after experimental thermal injury / V. G. Koritskiy, Z. M. Nebesna. - С.37-42
Usenko, O. U. Morphological state of the mucous membrane of the esophagus of patients with postresection manifestations of reflux esophagitis depending on the method of the formation of mechanical esophagus-gastric anastomosis / O. U. Usenko [et al.]. - С.43-51
Інші автори: Sidyuk A. V., Klimas A. S., Sidyuk O. E., Savenko G. U.
Monastyrskyi, V. M. Changes in the sizes of the kidney after contralateral nephrectomy in the experiment / V. M. Monastyrskyi. - С.52-57
Savchuk, O. I. Characteristics of nervous tissue after modeling of focal cerebral ischemia in rats at different periods of reperfusion / O. I. Savchuk, G. G. Skibo. - С.58-64
Yakovtsova, I. I. Proliferative features of diffuse astrocytic tumors Grade III -IV and their impact on the prognosis / I. I. Yakovtsova, A. O. Gavriliyuk, T. M. Chertenko. - С.65-72
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    Macroscopic and microscopic conditions of the single kidney and ureteropelvic junction after the contralateral nephrectomy [] = Макроскопічний і мікроскопічний стан єдиної нирки і мисково-сечовідного сегменту після нефректомії контралатеральної / V. I. Pivtorak [et al.] // Світ медицини та біології. - 2020. - № 1(71). - С. 201-206
ПОЧКИ -- KIDNEY (патология)
МОЧЕТОЧНИК -- URETER (патология)
Анотація: До теперішнього часу немає єдиної концепції про закономірності морфогенезу компенсаторної гіпертрофії єдиної нирки. Метою роботи було дати макроскопічну і мікроскопічну характеристику структури єдиної нирки і мисково-сечовідного сегмента після нефректомії в експерименті. Експериментальне дослідження виконано на 84 статевозрілих білих щурах-самцях масою 180-200 грамів. Всім тваринам дослідної групи виконували оперативне втручання - нефректомію лівої нирки. Статистична обробка отриманих результатів проведена в ліцензійному пакеті "Statistica 5.5" з використанням непараметричних методів оцінки результатів. Встановлено, що в єдиній нирці відбуваються процеси поетапного розвитку компенсаторної гіпертрофії органу. Виділили послідовні періоди післяопераційних змін нирки.

Дод.точки доступу:
Pivtorak, V. I.; Monastyrskyi, V. M.; Okayevych, O. A.; Bulko, I. V.; Smiyukha, O. A.
Знайти схожі

    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: СУ33/2020/1(71)

Світ медицини та біології : наук.- практ. журн./ МОЗ України, Укр. мед. стомат. академія, Полтавське відділення фонду допомоги хворим з наслідками травм та захворювань, Всеукр. громадськ. організація "Наукове т-во анатамів, гістологів, ембріологів та топографоанатомів України". - Полтава, 2005 - . - періодичність невідома
2020р. N 1(71)
Beketova, G. V. Prevalence, clinical features, and prognosis of the psychosomatic pathology in children with psychophysical developmental disorders / G. V. Beketova [et al.]. - С.7-13
Інші автори: Mozgova G. P., Soldatova O. V., Nekhaienko M. I., Horiacheva I. P., Alekseienko N. V., Kvashnina L. V., Beketova N. V.
Bilovol, O. M. Treatment of arterial hypertension in young males with clinical signs of autonomic dysfunction / O. M. Bilovol [et al.]. - С.13-18
Інші автори: Kniazkova I. I., Bogun M. V., Lutsenko R. V.
Bilovol, O. M. Treatment of heart failure in patients with diabetes mellitus / O. M. Bilovol [et al.]. - С.18-22
Інші автори: Kniazkova I. I., Bohun M. V., Kuzminova N. V., Osovska N. Y.
Volosovets, A. O. Influence of excessive nighttime activity on the risk of ischemic cerebral stroke event and its course features / A. O. Volosovets [et al.]. - С.22-26
Інші автори: Zozulya I. S., Volosovets O. P., Savchenko D. S., Kramareva O. G.
Volosovets, T. M. Improvement of the medical therapy regimens for patients with II degree generalized periodontitis at the stages of closed curettage and comparison of their efficacy / T. M. Volosovets, A. V. Kravchenko. - С.27-31
Voronov, V. T. Methodological principles of the causal-system injury process modeling / V. T. Voronov [et al.]. - С.31-36
Інші автори: Gavrylyuk A. O., Gurov O. M., Fomina L. V., Vergeles K. М., Pashinskyy Ya. M., Mazur H. M.
Havlovskyi, O. D. Main goals of psychological rehabilitation of military servicemen in the Poltava region under the present conditions / O. D. Havlovskyi. - С.36-39
Guriev, S. O. Clinical characteristics of lower limb wounds in injured people in the result of modern military operations / S. O. Guriev [et al.]. - С.40-44
Інші автори: Tanasienko P. V., Panasenko S. I., Martsynkovskyi I. P., Fil A. Yu.
Zhdanovych, О. І. Perinatal consequences of adaptation disorder with burdened obstetric history / О. І. Zhdanovych [et al.]. - С.44-49
Інші автори: Vorobey L. І., Anoshina T. N., Kolomiichenko Т. V.
Zaporozhan, V. M. Prevention of purulent-septic complications during laparoscopic surgeries on pelvic organs with the risk of vaginal microbiota contamination / V. M. Zaporozhan [et al.]. - С.49-53
Інші автори: Gladchuk I. Z., Rozhkovska N. M., Volyanska A. G., Shevchenko O. I., Kushnir H. Yu.
Zelenetsky, I. B. Relation of stress-strain state in the kinematic chain “hip-and-knee joint” with the cervical diaphyseal angle changing under the conditions of dysplasia / I. B. Zelenetsky [et al.]. - С.54-58
Інші автори: Miteleva Z. M., Snisarenko P. I., Jaresko A. V.
Kalashnikov, D. V. Analysis of denture base impact on the denture foundation area tissues / D. V. Kalashnikov [et al.]. - С.58-62
Інші автори: Kindiy D. D., Korol D. M., Kindiy V. D.
Kaplun, D. V. Radiographic changes in the bone grafts during guided bone regeneration with the use of titanium mesh on classical and uthors' own methods for the mucosal flaps detachment / D. V. Kaplun [et al.]. - С.63-69
Інші автори: Avetikov D. S., Ivanytska O. S., Boiko I. V., Havryliev V. M.
Kasian, V. V. Efficiency of drainage of ascit-peritonitis in different difficulty of acute pancreatitis / V. V. Kasian [et al.]. - С.69-72
Інші автори: Cherkun O. Yu., Tkachenko O. A., Sheiko V. D.
Kuzminova, N. V. Daily blood pressure pattern disorders in patients with stage II essential hypertension and frequent premature beats / N. V. Kuzminova [et al.]. - С.72-77
Інші автори: Ivankova A. V., Ivanov V. P., Lozinsky S. E., Knyazkova I. I., Gavrylyuk A. O.
Lytvynets, L. A. Assessment of immunological disorders in the genesis of bronchial asthma in children with different degrees of the disease controllability / L. A. Lytvynets, V. E. Lytvynets-Golutyak, V. V. Chopyak. - С.78-83
Lomikovska, M. P. Peculiarities of TLR9 expression on immune competent cells in reactive arthritis patients withchronic Epstein-Barr virus infection / M. P. Lomikovska [et al.]. - С.83-88
Інші автори: Hayduchok I. G., Potomkina H. O., Zubchenko S. O., Kril I. Y., Ishcheykin K. Y., Chopyak V. V.
Nezhoda, I. I. Measles pneumonia in children: clinical and morphological features of the course / I. I. Nezhoda [et al.]. - С.88-93
Інші автори: Havryliuk A. O., Asaulenko A. A., Kholod L. P., Onofriychuk Ye. S. C
Pypa, L. V. Anxiety and its significance in the structure of somatoform disorders in children and the role of serotonine and triptophan in their nascence / L. V. Pypa [et al.]. - С.94-99
Інші автори: Lysytsia Yu. N., Svistilnik R. V., Bulat L. M.
Potyazhenko, M. M. Еvaluation of healthy lifestyling level in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / M. M. Potyazhenko [et al.]. - С.99-104
Інші автори: Ischeykin K. Ye., Nastroha T. V., Sokolyuk N. L., Kitura O. Ye.
Ratsyborynska-Polyakova, N. V. Clinical characteristic of affective violations in disorders of adaptation from combatants / N. V. Ratsyborynska-Polyakova, S. V. Rymsha. - С.104-109
Rymsha, S. V. Pathogenetic justification of differential therapy in mental disorders with somatic symptoms (PSS-by DSM-5) / S. V. Rymsha, I. L. Lukyanovych, O. V. Rymsha. - С.109-115
Savchuk, R. V. Dynamic changes in the cellular composition in the uropsammus of artifactual bladder / R. V. Savchuk, F. I. Kostyev, V. V. Vit. - С.115-120
Serha, T. V. Risk of adenocarcinoma in Barrett's esophagus / T. V. Serha [et al.]. - С.120-124
Інші автори: Kuryk O. H., Yakovenko V. O., Tkachenko R.P.
Skrypnykov, P. N. Effect of natural mineral bischofite containing preparation on the oral microflora / P. N. Skrypnykov [et al.]. - С.124-128
Інші автори: Skrypnikova T. P., Loban G. A., Gancho O. V., Khavalkina L. M., Zezekalo S. V.
Smaglyuk, L. V. EMG-activity of muscles of the cranio-mandibular system during functions of the dento-facial region / L. V. Smaglyuk [et al.]. - С.128-132
Інші автори: Smaglyuk V. I., Liakhovska А. V., Trofymenko M. V.
Smaglyuk, L. V. The relationship of malocclusions with the eruption time of permanent teeth in children living in different climatic and geographical conditions / L. V. Smaglyuk [et al.]. - С.132-136
Інші автори: Chukhray N. L., Bezvushko E. V., Miskiv A. L., Shpotyuk O. O.
Sogokon, O. A. Functional state of cardiovascular and digestive systems in the body of students during fitness training / O. A. Sogokon, O. V. Donets, I. M. Donets. - С.136-141
Shadlinskaya, R. V. Evaluation of oral hygiene and dental caries status in patients with beta thalassemia / R. V. Shadlinskaya. - С.141-145
Shtefiuk, O. V. Features of the Raynaud’s syndrome course in patients with rheumatoid arthritis / O. V. Shtefiuk [et al.]. - С.145-149
Інші автори: Yatsyshyn R. I., Herych P. R., Karpyuk Yu. Ya., Boychuk V. B.
Yurchyshyn, O. M. Cardiovascular system indicators in the primary school-aged children during the adaptation to educational loads in the region with iodine eficiency / O. M. Yurchyshyn [et al.]. - С.149-153
Інші автори: Komissarova O. S., Fartushok T. V., Palytsia L. M., Lokai B. A.
Yanchuk, A. O. Medical, psychological and legal aspects to substantiate the concept of rehabilitation for military personnel – participants of the anti-terrorist operation / A. O. Yanchuk [et al.]. - С.154-159
Інші автори: Guliak O. V., Tverezovsky M. V., Pavelko I. I., Bernaz P. V., Kuznichenko S. O.
Bachinskyi, V. T. Forensic assessment of gunshot injuries using modern optical research methods / V. T. Bachinskyi [et al.]. - С.159-164
Інші автори: Vanchulyak O. Ya., Savka I. G., Kozlov S. V., Zubko M. D.
Boruta, N. V. Morphofunctional characteristic of hemomicro-circulatory bed in the red bone marrow when modeling an acute aseptic inflammation in rats / N. V. Boruta. - С.164-168
Harapko, T. V. Histological changes of structural components in lymph nodes of rats and changes in biochemical blood indices in experimental obesity / T. V. Harapko. - С.169-173
Hlodan, O. Ya. The nature of ultrastructural changes induced by orchiepididymitis in the men's testes and ejaculate / O. Ya. Hlodan [et al.]. - С.173-176
Інші автори: Hrytsuliak B. V., Hrytsuliak V. B., Ivasiuk I. Y.
Hrynyshyn, O. B. Experimental morphological study of dental pulp lesions at different stages of dental caries / O. B. Hrynyshyn, N. M. Dydyk, B. M. Filenko. - С.176-180
Yelinska, A. M. Influence of inhibitors of transcription factor kappa B on depolimerization of biopolymers in periodontal connective tissue under systemic inflammatory response in rats / A. M. Yelinska [et al.]. - С.180-183
Інші автори: Denisenko S. V., Liashenko L. I., Kostenko V. O.
Zaporozhan, V. M. Effectiveness of the platelet-rich plasma application at different simulation periods of degenerative disc disease in rats / V. M. Zaporozhan, O. L. Appelhans, O. V. Tsyurupa. - С.183-187
Kobzar, O. B. Experimental and morphological substantiation of tubular biological structures obliteration by means of high-frequency electric welding of tissues / O. B. Kobzar [et al.]. - С.188-191
Інші автори: Doroshenko S. V., Parkhomenko M. V., Khvorostyana T. T., Prymachenko V. I.
Larkina, S. О. Investigation of calcium- and hyaluronic acid-containing drugs osteoplastic activity in rats with periodontitis / S. О. Larkina [et al.]. - С.191-197
Інші автори: Makarenko O. A., Vastyanov R. S., Yermuraki P. P.
Mandziy, T. P. Determination of acute toxicity of ointment with pinus sylvestris extract / T. P. Mandziy, O. H. Popadynets, A. R. Hrytsyk. - С.197-200
Pivtorak, V. I. Macroscopic and microscopic conditions of the single kidney and ureteropelvic junction after the contralateral nephrectomy / V. I. Pivtorak [et al.]. - С.201-206
Інші автори: Monastyrskyi V. M., Okayevych O. A., Bulko I. V., Smiyukha O. A.
Popovych, І. Yu. Peculiarities of porcine periodontium in normal condition and in generalized periodontitis during dental restoration of various types / І. Yu. Popovych, Т. О. Petrushanko, G. А. Yeroshenko. - С.206-211
Pshychenko, V. V. Influence of high adrenalin doses on the morphofunctional status of rats epiphysis under thecondition of its hypofunction / V. V. Pshychenko [et al.]. - С.211-214
Інші автори: Cherno V. S., Davydenko R. M., Gavrilyuk I. M., Kucher O. O.
Samborska, I. A. Ultrastructural changes in the lungs of 1-2 months-old rats in the conditions of hyperhomocysteinemia / I. A. Samborska [et al.]. - С.214-218
Інші автори: Maievskyi O. Y., Ahafonov K. M., Kovalchuk O. I.
Seredynska, N. M. Antiinflammatory activity of leflunomide for combined application with сelecoxib and amlodipine in adjuvant arthritis against the background of arterial hypertension / N. M. Seredynska [et al.]. - С.218-223
Інші автори: Korniyenko V. І., Мokhort М. А., Yeryomina H. О., Yeryomina Z. H., Ladohubets О. V., Duchenko K. A.
Sliusarev, М. І. Correction of breast asymmetry: structural changes of adipose tissue in autologous fat grafting / М. І. Sliusarev [et al.]. - С.223-226
Інші автори: Yeroshenko G. А., Susak Ya. M., Markulan L. Yu., Кriganovskiy О. А.
Stetsuk, Ye. V. Morphofunctional features of rat testes interstitial endocrinocytes and sustentocytes after 90 days of central testosterone synthesis deprivation / Ye. V. Stetsuk [et al.]. - С.226-231
Інші автори: Akimov O. Ye., Shepitko K. V., Goltsev A. N.
Yachmin, А. І. A measure of the effect of complex food additives on rats’ adaptive responses / А. І. Yachmin [et al.]. - С.232-235
Інші автори: Kononov B. S., Yeroshenko G. А., Bilash S. М., Bilash V. P.
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