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 Знайдено у інших БД:Періодичних видань (14)
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Пошуковий запит: <.>II=УУ60/2021/93/3<.>
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 14
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Administration of platelet-rich plasma or concentrated bone marrow aspirate after mechanically induced ischemia improves biochemical parameters in skeletal muscle/A. T. Pidlisetski [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.30-38

Application of Petri nets methodology to determine biophysicochemical parameters of mitochondria functioning/H. V. Danylovich [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.101-110

Danylova T. V. A legend in his own lifetime: double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling/T. V. Danylova, S. V. Komisarenko // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.123-132

Dewi S. Oxidative stress in the heart of exposed to acute intermittent hypobaric hypoxia/S. Dewi, M. Sadikin, W. Mulyawan // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.68-74

Kovalchuk Y. P. Astrocyte specific proteins content in the different parts of the rat and Mongolian cerbil brain during ontogenesis/Y. P. Kovalchuk, H. N. Shiyntum, G. A. Ushakova // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.13-23

Lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation in fresh and cryopreserved spermatozoa of men at different spermatogenesis state/T. O. Yurchuk [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.24-29

No-synthase activity and nitric oxide content in lymphoid cells of thymus and spleen of rats under conditions of diet-induced obesity/L. Kot [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.84-91

Prooxidant and antioxidant processes in the liver homogenate of healthy and tumor-bearing mice under the action of thiazole derivatives/Ya. R. Shalai [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.61-67

Regulation of ionized calcium concentration in mitochondria matrix in the absence of exogenous Ca2+/A. V. Sylenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.5-12

Sex dependent differences in oxidative stress in the heart of rats with type 2 diabetes/N. I. Gorbenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.75-83

Shafaa M. W. Comparative cytotoxic activity of carboplatin and ?-cryptoxanthin in free and liposomal forms against breast cancer cell line/M. W. Shafaa, N. S. Elkholy // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.49-60

The effect of CO donor hemin on the antioxidant and osmoprotective systems state in ARABIDOPSIS of a wild-type and mutants defective in jasmonate signaling under salt stress/M. A. Shkliarevskyi [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.39-48

The indices of thyroid system and metabolism of rats under the influence of nanocomposition based on iodine and citrate/R. S. Fedoruk [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.92-100

Григор'єва М. В. Відкриття генів регуляції апоптозу клітин: Сідні Бреннер, Джон Салстон та Роберт Горвіц (Нобелівська премія з фізіології та медицини, 2002 р.)/М. В. Григор'єва, В. М. Данилова, С. В. Комісаренко // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 3.-С.111-122
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