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Шифр: ВУ18/2013/4

Вісник фармації : наук.-практ. журнал/ Голов. ред. В.П.Черних. - Харків, 1993 - . - Виходить кожного кварталу
2013р. N 4
Чуєшов, В. І До 90-річчя з дня народження ректора Харківського фармацевтичного інституту (1971-1980), доктора фармацевтичних наук, професора Сала Дмитра Павловича / В.І Чуєшов, Л.С. Стрельников. - С.3-4
Synthesis and the antimicrobialactivity of 3,4-dihydrothieno [2,3-d] pyrimidine-2,4-dione-1-acetic acid amides. - С.5-10
Altykhov, O. O. Synthesis and properties of 2-(benzoylamino) (1-R-2-oxo-1,2-dyhydro-3H-indole-3-ylidene) acetic acids ethyl esters / O.O. Altykhov. - С.11-14
The reactivity of N-phenylanthranilic acids derivatives. XXIV. Kinetics of the alkaline hydrolysis of methyl esters of 4,5-dymethoxy-N-phenylanthranilic acids in the binarry dioxan-water solvent. - С.15-18
Development of new criteria to identification and quantitative determination of the components of multicomponent systems by chromatographic methods. - С.19-22
Shpychak, O. S. Elaboration of the method of the terpenoid composition determination for essential oils of active pharmaceutical ingredients of "Apised" capsyles by gas chromatography / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov, V.A. Khanin. - С.23-27
Proskurina, K. I. Development and validation of the methods for quantitative determination of nitrofural by uv spectrophotometry / K.I. Proskurina. - С.28-32
Krivoruchko, O. V. The anatomical study of sorbus aucuparia and sorbys domestica leaves / O.V. Krivoruchko, O.V. Gamulya. - С.33-36
The problem of development of the direction for creation and manufacture of medicines with bee products in Ukraine. - С.37-42
Substantional of the pH range for stability of timolol maleate and taurine in the aqueous solution. - С.43-47
Biloshitska, I. V. The study of microbiological purity of "Loravit" anti-allergic suppositories / I.V. Biloshitska, O.I. Tikhonov. - С.48-51
Ярних, Т. Г. Методологічні аспекти створення дитячих лікарських засобів / Т.Г. Ярних, О.А Рухмакова. - С.52-56
Nemchenko, A. S. Pharmacoeconomic estimation of the standart treatment regimens of patients with the stomach and rectal cancer / A.S. Nemchenko, M.V. Podgaina, S.O. Zharkova. - С.57-61
Musoev, S. M. Forensic and pharmaceutical investigation of drug related situation in Tajikistan: factors, scales and tendencies / S.M. Musoev. - С.62-68
Alekseev, O. G. Some features of the offenses classification perpetrated in the pharmaceutical sector of Ukrane / O.G. Alekseev. - С.69-72
Pharmacological research of iteraction and the total efficiency of herbal components of "Polyherbagastrin" and "Hepatropin" granules. - С.73-78
Глушко, Л. В. Вплив Кверцетину на прозапальну активність моноцитів периферійної крові у жінок з метаболічним синдромом у менопаузі / Л.В. Глушко, А.Х. Насраллах, С.В. Федоров. - С.79-82
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    Shpychak, O. S.
    Elaboration of the method of the terpenoid composition determination for essential oils of active pharmaceutical ingredients of "Apised" capsyles by gas chromatography [Text] / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov, V.A. Khanin // Вісн. фармації. - 2013. - N4. - P23-27

Дод.точки доступу:
Tikhonov, O.I.; Khanin, V.A.
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: ВУ18/2014/1

Вісник фармації : наук.-практ. журнал/ Голов. ред. В.П.Черних. - Харків, 1993 - . - Виходить кожного кварталу
2014р. N 1
До 100-річчя з дня народження доктора хімічних наук, професора, завідувача кафедри органічної хімії ХФІ (1962-1985 рр.) Петюніна Павла Олексійовича. - С.3-4
До 90-річчя з дня народження директора Харківського науково-дослідного хіміко-фармацевтичного інституту (1977-1989 рр.), доктора фармацевтичних наук, професора Федора Андрійовича Конєва. - С.5-6
Богдан, Н. С. Розробка складу і технології твердої лікарської форми противиразкової дії. Повідомлення 1 / Н.С. Богдан, О.І. Тихонов. - С.7-11
Baranova, I. I. Determination of the shelf-life and storage conditions for an antimicrobial foam cleanser / I.I. Baranova, O.V. Zhuk, Yu.V. Kovtun. - С.12-16
Kran, O. S. Determination of the shelf-life storage conditions of the gel for treatment of wounds in the II phase of the wound process / O.S. Kran, O.G. Bashura. - С.17-20 : табл.
Sokolov, Yu. V. Nanoemulsions as prospective drug delivery systems / Yu.V. Sokolov. - С.21-25
Bezchasnyuk, O. M. The development of the dosage form with L-cartinine for children / O.M. Bezchasnyuk, T.V. Zborovska, S.M. Kovalenko. - С.26-30 : табл.
Glushchenko, A. V. Development and evaluation of validation characteristics of the quantitative determination method for loratadine in the syrup / A.V. Glushchenko, V.A. Georgiyants, N.Yu. Bevz. - С.31-35 : граф.
Дослідження мінерального складу листя, суцвіть та стебел вітексу священного (Vitex agnus-castus L.) та вітексу коноплеподібного (Vitex cannabifolia Sieb.). - С.36-39 : табл.
Grechana, O. V. The study of free coumarins in the plant row material of Medicago falcata L. subsp. romanica (Prodan) O. Schwarz & Klink / O.V. Grechana. - С.40-43 : табл.
Yevtifieieva, O. Research of validation parameters of the spectrophotometric quantitative determination method of riboflavin by specific absorbance / O. Yevtifieieva, K. Proskurina, K. Dynnyk. - С.44-48 : табл.
Development of the "dissolution" test for bisoprolol tablets. - С.49-53 : табл.
Kosyachenko, K. L. Methodological approachesn to development of the national guidelines on the health technology assessment / K.L. Kosyachenko, A.S. Nemchenko. - С.54-57 : табл.
Shmatenko, O. P. Marketing analysis of the drugs used for the treatment of affected military men with brain injuries / O.P. Shmatenko, A.M. Solomenny, O.V. Pleshkova. - С.58-62 : табл.
Shpychak, O. S. Marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of madicines used topically for diseases of the locomotor apparatus / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov. - С.63-68 : граф.
Trunova, T. V. Research of the assortment and merchandising analysis of anti-epileptic drugs presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine / T.V. Trunova. - С.69-72 : граф.
Rukhmakova, O. A. Microbiological studies of the ointment and rectal suppositories with liquorice root extract / O.A. Rukhmakova, T.G. Yarnykh, T.P. Osolodchenko. - С.73-76 : табл.
Glushko, L. V. Correction of inflammation signs in postmenopausal women with the metabolic syndrome / L.V. Glushko, A.H. Nasrallah, S.V. Fedorov. - С.77-80 : табл.
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    Shpychak, O. S.
    Marketing research of the pharmaceutical market of madicines used topically for diseases of the locomotor apparatus [Text] / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov // Вісн. фармації. - 2014. - N1. - P63-68 : граф. - 19 ref.



Дод.точки доступу:
Tikhonov, O.I.
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: ВУ18/2014/2

Вісник фармації : наук.-практ. журнал/ Голов. ред. В.П.Черних. - Харків, 1993 - . - Виходить кожного кварталу
2014р. N 2
Bogdan, N. S. Methodology of creating an encapsulated dosage form with bee products. Report II / N. S. Bogdan, O. I. Tikhonov. - С.4-9 : граф.
Gureeva, S. M. Bioavailability research of solid medical forms by the example of bisoprolol fumarate tablets in relation to the biopharmaceutical classification system / S. M. Gureeva. - С.10-14 : граф.
Ярема, І. О. Розробка складу емульсійної основи при створенні лікарського косметичного засобу для застосування при андрогенній алопеції / І. О. Ярема, М. І. Федоровська. - С.15-19 : граф.
Шматенко, В. В. Обгруртування складу основи з метою створення м'якого лікарського засобу для лікування ранового процесу / В. В. Шматенко. - С.20-24 : табл.
Sviechnikova, O. M. The reactivity of substituted 6,9-dichloracridines / O. M. Sviechnikova, S. V. Kolesnyk, O. V. Kolesnyk. - С.25-28 : граф.
Synthesis, structure and research of the pharmacological activity of methyl esters of 6-nitro-N-phenylanthranilic acids . - С.29-33 : табл.
Tsapko, T. O. Chemical modification of 6-allylsulfonyl-4-methyl-1,2-dihydroquinolin-2-one as the approach for seaching new biologically active substances / T. O. Tsapko. - С.34-37 : табл.
Altukhov, O. O. Synthesis and properties of N-{2-(benzoylamino)(2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)acetyl}amino acids ethyl esters / O. O. Altukhov. - С.38-42 : табл.
Shpychak, O. S. Investigation of the composition of active pharmaceutical ingredients in "Apised" capsules by the method of high performance liquid chromatography / O. S. Shpychak, O. I. Tikhonov. - С.43-47 : табл.
Blazheyevskiy, M. Ye. Quantitative determination of potassium hydrogenperoxomonosulfate in "Ecocid S" disinfectant by cathodic voltammetry / M. Ye. Blazheyevskiy, O. O. Mozgova. - С.48-52 : табл.
Klimenko, L. Yu. Determination of validation characteristics of the UV-spectrophotometric method of doxylamine quantitative determination in blood in the variant of the method of standard / L.Yu. Klimenko, S. M. Trut, S. M. Poluyan. - С.53-58 : табл.
Kolisnyk, Y. S. The study of the volatile oils composition obtained from vegetative and genetative organs of Ballota nigra L. / Y. S. Kolisnyk, A. M. Kovaleva, O. V. Goryacha. - С.59-62 : табл.
Bobritskaya, L. O. Marketing research of the market of drugs with the choleretic action / L. O. Bobritskaya, M. A. Arakelyan, N. V. Popova. - С.63-67 : табл.
Kobets, M. M. Analysis of the drug assortment for treating nicotine dependence presented at the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine / M. M. Kobets, Yu. M. Kobets. - С.68-72 : табл.
Zarichkova, M. V. Research of primary directions of the pharmacy specialists social protection in Ukraine on the basis of social protection in the European Union / M. V. Zarichkova. - С.73-77 : табл.
Rybalkin, M. V. The study of the therapeutic action of the cell-associated antigens of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis fungi / M. V. Rybalkin. - С.78-81 : табл.
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    Shpychak, O. S.
    Investigation of the composition of active pharmaceutical ingredients in "Apised" capsules by the method of high performance liquid chromatography [] / O. S. Shpychak, O. I. Tikhonov // Вісн. фармації. - 2014. - N2. - С. 43-47 : табл. - 12 ref.

Кл.слова (ненормовані):
Терпеноиды -- Высокоэффективная жидкостная хроматография

Дод.точки доступу:
Tikhonov, O. I.
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: ВУ18/2014/3

Вісник фармації : наук.-практ. журнал/ Голов. ред. В.П.Черних. - Харків, 1993 - . - Виходить кожного кварталу
2014р. N 3
Shpychak, O. S. Development of the formulation of "Artproment" combined gel for application in sports medicine / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov. - С.4-9
Proskochilo, A. V. The parameters optimization of liquefied gas extraction of the yellow bedstraw overground part by the response surface methodology / A.V. Proskochilo, V.G. Demianenko, D.V. Demianenko. - С.10-15
Sokolov, Yu. V. Nanoemulsion formation by low-energy methods: a review / Yu.V. Sokolov. - С.16-19
Dobrovolnyi, O. O. The study of dependence of the prenyl flavonoids content in the hop dry extract on temperature parameters of its obtaining / O.O. Dobrovolnyi. - С.20-24
Begunova, N. V. The choice of the optimal pH range for a parenteral drug based on salts of aldonic and polycarboxylic acids / N.V. Begunova. - С.25-29
Kudrik, B. T. Development of the composition of the drug with the immunomodulatory action in the form of granules based on bee bread / B.T. Kudrik, O.I. Tikhonov. - С.30-33
Determination of the food azo dye carmoisine VS chlorpheniramine maleate ion associate structure. - С.34-37
Blazheyevskiy, M. Ye. Development of the kinetic-spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of zopiclone in tablets by the perhydrolysis reaction / M.Ye. Blazheyevskiy, L.S. Kryskiw. - С.38-41
Gelmboldt, V. O. Hexafluorosilicates with antibacterial active guanidine containing cations / V.O. Gelmboldt, V.Yu. Anisimov, O.V. Prodan. - С.42-45
Development of the method for quantitive determination of an active substance in "Tamsuloprost" suppositories. - С.46-50
Fedchenkova, Yu. A. The research of organic acids in black alder (alnus glutinosa (l.) gaertn.) buds and leaves / Yu.A. Fedchenkova, O.P. Khvorost. - С.51-53
Tereshenko, L. V. Scientific substantiation of the basic trends of prescription and non-prescription medicines sales in Ukraine / L.V. Tereshenko, A.S. Nemchenko. - С.54-57
Соломенний, А. М. Обгрунтування норми медикаментозного забезпечення постраждалих військовослужбовців із торакоабдомінальною травмою / А.М. Соломенний. - С.58-62
Bondareva, I. V. Analysis of the influence of external microenvironmental factors on the activity of manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprises / I.V. Bondareva. - С.63-66
Datsiuk, N. O. Peculiarities of prescribing and use of opioids in palliative care mobile teams / N.O. Datsiuk, D.S. Volokh, N.V. Sholoyko. - С.67-69
Rybalkin, M. V. Comparison of the action of associated antigens and associated inactivated cells of C.Albicans and C.Tropicalis fungi / M.V. Rybalkin, N.I. Filimonova, L.S. Strelnikov. - С.70-73
Investigation of the role of I 1- and I 2-imidazoline receptors in the mechanism of the hypoglycemic action of N,N'-(ethane-1,2-dyyil)bis(quinoline-2-carboxamide). - С.74-77
Germanyuk, T. A. SF-36 questionnaire as the instrument of the life quality assessment in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 / T.A. Germanyuk, T.I. Ivko. - С.78-82
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    Shpychak, O. S.
    Development of the formulation of "Artproment" combined gel for application in sports medicine / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov // Вісн. фармації. - 2014. - N3. - С. 4-9. - 21 ref.

Дод.точки доступу:
Tikhonov, O.I.
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    (Немає відомостей про примірники)
Шифр: ВУ18/2014/4

Вісник фармації : наук.-практ. журнал/ Голов. ред. В.П.Черних. - Харків, 1993 - . - Виходить кожного кварталу
2014р. N 4
Synthesis and the antimicrobial activity of 5-methyl-6-(2-methyl-1,3-thiazol-4-YL)-3-phenylthieno[2,3-d] pyrimidine-2,4(1H, 3H)-diones. - С.3-7
Synthesis and evalution of the antioxidant activity of {[1-Aryl-4-Chloro-1h-Imidazole-5Yl) methyl] thio} alkane carboxylic acids. - С.8-12
Bubenchikova, V. M. Coffeic and rosmarinic acids in thyme species / V.M. Bubenchikova, N.V. Popova, Yu.A. Starchak. - С.13-16
Kryvanych, O. V. Development of the method for quantitative determination of phenylephrine hydrochloride in the combined drops / O.V. Kryvanych, N.Yu. Bevz, V.A. Georgiants. - С.17-21
Musienko, S. G. The quantitative of the main groups of biologically active substances in the bay laurel raw material / S.G. Musienko, V.S. Kyslychenko : 22-24
Yevtifieieva, O. A. Evalution of metrological characteristics of spectrophotometric quantitative determination of paracetamol in tablets by specific absorbance / O.A. Yevtifieieva, K.I. Proskurina. - С.25-31
Ruban, O. A. Technological peculiarities for obtaining of medicated chewing gums / O.A. Ruban, Ju.S. Masliy. - С.32-34
Gerbina, N. A. The study of crystallographic and thermogravimetric characteristics of rectal suppositories with diacamph / N.A. Gerbina. - С.35-38
Alhussein, M. Substantiation of the composition and methods of quality control for "Genta+" ointment with the succinyl tannin antiresistant componenet / M. Alhussein, A.V. Martynov. - С.39-42
Shpychak, O. S. Substantiation of the choice of excipients when developing the composition of "Apised" capsules / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov. - С.43-48
Iakovenko, V. K. The study of risks of herbal medicines production by the FMEA-analysis method / V.K. Iakovenko. - С.49-52
Malyi, V. V. Management decision as a component of effective organization management / V.V. Malyi. - С.53-58
The study of the current state of dispensing narcotic, psychotropic drugs and precursors by prescription in Ukraine. - С.59-63
Zdoryk, O. A. Organization of the quality assurance system of compounding pharmacies in Ukraine: results of the survey / O.A. Zdoryk. - С.64-68
Sheyhali, A. M. The study of toxicological properties of a new combined cream "Dermalipoin" / A.M. Sheyhali, N.M. Kononenko. - С.69-71
Goncharova, A. A. Microbiological studies of the cream for use in the diabetic foot syndrom / A.A. Goncharova, I.I. Baranova, T.P. Osolodchenko. - С.72-75
Determination of reactogenicity and allergenicity of the immunobiological drug for prevention and treatment of candidiasis. - С.76-78
The study of the chemical composition, effects on behavioral responses and the antihypoxic activity of the herbal tea and dry extract on its basis. - С.79-82
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    Shpychak, O. S.
    Substantiation of the choice of excipients when developing the composition of "Apised" capsules [] / O.S. Shpychak, O.I. Tikhonov // Вісн. фармації. - 2014. - N4. - С. 43-48. - 19 ref.





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Tikhonov, O.I.
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