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Шифр: S3/2010/41/2

STROKE : A journal of cerebral circulation. - Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. - ISSN 0039-2499. - Выходит ежемесячно
2010г. Vol. 41 N 2
Thomalla, G. Editorial : We are on the clock : MRI as a surrogate marker of lesion age in acute ischemic stroke / G. Thomalla, C. Gerloff. - P.197-198
Hanley, D. F. Editorial: An age old question : Does size really matter ? / D.F. Hanley. - P.199-200
Low, R. B. Editorial : Limits to international estimates of stroke costs / R.B. Low, A.I. Qureshi, D.C. Low. - P.201-202 : табл.
Impact of glucose tolerance status on development of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease in a general Lapanese population : The Hisayama study. - P.203-209 : табл.
Genome-wide association studies of MRI-defined brain infarcts : Meta-analysis from the CHARGE consortium. - P.210-217 : граф.
Bone marrow-derived progenitor cells in cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy. - P.218-223 : табл.
Gene expression profiles in human ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms : What is the role of inflammation ?. - P.224-231 : табл.
Frequency and determinants of lipid testing in ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack : Findings from get with the guidelines-stroke. - P.232-238 : граф.
Shot-term and long-term risk of incident ischemic stroke after transient ischemic attack. - P.239-243 : граф.
Tuberculosis and the risk of ischemic stroke : A 3-year follow-up study. - P.244-249 : табл.
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery evolution within 12 hours from stroke onset : A reliable tissue clock ?. - P.250-255 : фото
Incidence of newly detected atrial arrhythmias via implantable devices in patients with a history of thromboembolic events. - P.256-260 : граф.
Prevalence of embolic signals in acute coronary syndromes. - P.261-266 : табл.
Counting cavitating lacunes underestimates the burden of lacunar infarction. - P.267-272 : табл.
Intima-media thickness and regional cerebral blood flow in older adults. - P.273-279 : фото.цв.
Safety and efficacy of ultrasound-enhanced thrombolysis : A comprehansive review and meta-analysis of randomized and nonrandomized studies. - P.280-287 : граф.
Safety of intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke in patients receiving antiplatelet therapy at stroke onset. - P.288-294 : граф.
The benefits of intravenous thrombolysis relate to the site of baseline arterial occlusion in the echoplanar imaging thrombolytic evaluation trial (EPITHET). - P.295-299 : табл.
Assessment and improvement of figures to visually convey benefit and risk of stroke thrombolysis. - P.300-306 : рис.
Effects of early intensive blood pressure-lowering treatment on the growth of hematoma and perihematomal edema in acute intracerebral hemorrhage : The intensive blood pressure reduction in acute cerebral haemorrhage trial (INTERACT). - P.307-312 : табл.
Predictors of outcome in childhood intracerebral hemorrhage : A prospective consecutive cohort study. - P.313-318 : граф.
Four-fold increase in direct costs of stroke survivors with spasticity compared with stroke survivors without spasticity : The first year after the event. - P.319-324 : табл.
Ischemia in Broca area is associated with Broca aphasia more reliably in acute than in chronic stroke. - P.325-330 : фото.цв.
Higashida, R. T. Evaluation of the medtronic exponent self-expanding carotid stent system with the medtronic guardwire temporary occlusion and aspiration system in the treatment of carotid stenosis / R.T. Higashida, J.J. Popma, P. Apruzzese. - P.e102-e109
Caregiving strain and estimated risk for stroke and coronary heart disease among spouse caregivers : Differential effects by race and sex. - P.331-336 : табл.
Length of stay and total hospital charges of clipping versus coiling for ruptured and unruptured adult cerebral aneurysms in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database 2002 to 2006. - P.337-342 : табл.
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 inhibition promotes cell death and limits endothelial cell proliferation in a neonatal rodent model of stroke. - P.343-349 : граф.
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulates production of prostacyclin in cerebral arteries. - P.350-356 : табл.
Noggin protects against ischemic brain injury in rodents. - P.357-362 : фото.цв.
Caffeinol at the receptor level : Anti-ischemic effect of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor blockade is potentiated by caffeine. - P.363-367 : граф.
Activation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor-1 by FTY720 is neuroprotective after ischemic stroke in rats. - P.368-374 : граф.
Deferoxamine treatment for intracerebral hemorrhage in aged rats : Therapeutic time window and optimal duration. - P.375-382 : граф.
Ethnic influences on neurovascular coupling : A pilot study in whites and Asians. - P.383-384 : табл.
gamma-Glutamyltranspeptidase and incident stroke among Japanese men and women : The circulatory risk in communities study (CIRCS). - P.385-388 : табл.
An imbalance between CD36 and ABCA1 protein expression favors lipid accumulation in stroke-prone ulcerated carotid plaques. - P.389-393 : граф.
Effects of perindopril-based lowering of blood pressure on intracerebral hemorrhage related to amyloid angiopathy : The PROGRESS trial. - P.394-396 : табл.
Persistent use of secondary preventive drugs declines rapidly during the first 2 years after stroke. - P.397-401 : табл.
Steiner, T. Options to restrict hematoma expansion after spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage / T. Steiner, J. Bosel. - P.402-409 : табл.
Jiang, Q. MRI of stroke recovery / Q. Jiang, Z.G. Zhang, M. Chopp. - P.410-414
Advances in stroke. - P.e62-e101
Letters to the editor. - P.e110-e116
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    Low, R. B.
    Editorial : Limits to international estimates of stroke costs [Text] / R.B. Low, A.I. Qureshi, D.C. Low // STROKE : A journal of cerebral circulation. - 2010. - Vol.41, N2. - P201-202 : табл. - Bibliogr.: 3 ref. . - ISSN 0039-2499



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Qureshi, A.I.; Low, D.C.
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